
Wine Consumption Essay examples

Decent Essays

Southern Peninsula Wines


1. Organisation overview

a. The organisations mission or vision

b. Strategic goals of the organisation

c. Capabilities of the organisation

d. Product/s of the organisation under consideration for entry into an international market

2. Global Business Environment

a. A brief overview of the current global business environment.

a-1. Figure 1&2 wine consumption a-2. Top 10 wine consumers a-3. Changing in total wine consumption

b. Discuss any market trends or developments that are relevant or may impact on the organisation

1-a. The organisations mission or vision …show more content…

Over that period, per capita wine consumption fell 3% per annum, while total world wine consumption fell 1.4% per annum from 29.4 million tonnes to 22.0 million tonnes.

The decline in global wine consumption from 1980 to 2000 is the consequence of global population growth being biased towards non-wine-consuming regions (i.e. Africa, Middle East and Asia) and a changing alcohol consumption pattern in traditional wine consuming regions.

For example, total alcohol consumption in Europe has declined over the past few decades while beer and spirits have increased market penetration.

a-1. Wine consumption


a-2. Top 10 wine consumers

Unsurprisingly, the Europeans dominate global wine consumption. The French consumed nearly 54L/person in 2006, followed by the Italian’s with 47.2L/person/year. In total, the French consume 3.3 billion litres of wine per year, or 14% of the world total, followed by Italy with 2.7 billion litres.


a-3. Changing of the guard

Despite dominating world league-tables, wine consumption in the traditional old-world countries is falling, both in total and per capita terms. For example, in the 11 years to 2006, French wine consumption fell by over 9L/person/year, and total French wine consumption fell nearly 400 million litres. Italian wine consumption fell 461 million litres over the period.
There is somewhat of a changing of the guard in the world of wine. New-world consumers

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