
Wolterstorff On Evil

Decent Essays

Evil can take different forms in different context. How evil is responded to depend on which form it takes. God responds to evil by overcoming it, and turning it into something virtuous. Why or when he chooses to overcome it, is something that is unknown. Humans can be agents or victims of evil. They can be the reason evil takes place, or they can affected by someone else’s evil. Evil done by humans is not malicious, but it has a negative effect on humanity. The world is a victim because it’s inability to choose between right and wrong, good and evil. The world is a victim of humankind’s evil actions. Evil is responded to in different ways, because evil has not one definite shape, but an infinite amount.
Only God is capable of turning evil …show more content…

God took his son away from him and he has no idea why. “I cannot fit it all together by saying, ‘He did it,’ but neither can I do so by saying, ‘There was nothing he could do about it’… I do not know why God did not prevent Eric’s death. To live without the answer is precarious” (Wolterstorff 67). Wolterstorff also views God as complex and his reasons are unknown. By saying God is the reason his son died or saying God had nothing to do with it, it still does not answer why God didn’t prevent it. That is one of his major questions. Another major question of his, is why God doesn’t bring his son back to life. He knows that God has the ability to bring his son back to life, God brought his own son, Jesus Christ, back to life. Why does he not just bring Eric back to life? “I do not know why God would watch him fall. I do not know why God would watch me wounded. I cannot even guess” (Wolterstorff 68). Wolterstorff can find no explanation for why God does what he does, he does not even have a guess to explain his actions. God’s actions to him are truly a …show more content…

Agents of evil are those people who chose to do evil. To me evil is a double edged sword. I believe that choosing to do evil is never directly intended to hurt someone else, but rather to put yourself in a better position. Consequently, however, by putting yourself in a better position that comes at a cost at doing evil to someone else. If a person finds a wallet on the floor with money it, they are likely to just take the money inside of it and walk away. By taking the money, they have just chosen to do evil. They have deliberately stolen from someone else, they did not do it because they wanted to cause financial instability on that person, but they needed the money. The person was tempted to either do the right thing and return the wallet which would be a lot of work tracking down the owner, or the easy option and better option for them, to just take the money. The person was trying to improve his life, a noble thing, but the way they did it was not noble by any means. I do not believe people are naturally evil, but I believe people are weak when they are tempted by doing something easy and evil and something virtuous and challenge, they give in to whatever is easier and better for

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