
Women And Domestic Violence

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Famous Writer Jeffrey Fry once said “ love is about giving freedom and power, not about gaining control or possession”. This quote relates to domestic violence.” Research affirm that in 2014, one in three women have been slapped, pushed or shoved by an intimate partner in their lifetime. For men, almost 14 percent experience severe intimate partner violence in their lifetime.(“Data Mine”). Although it is prominent in women, domestic violence impacts males and families as well. Therefore, it is important to learn about the signs of abuse and resources available in order to eliminate domestic violence in society. The definition of domestic violence is,a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors, including physical, sexual, and psychological …show more content…

But there are also others that are encouraging people to tell their story. Julie is one of the few women that was strong and was willing to tell her story. Julie since she was a little girl, remember how her father was always beating up her mom. She even said that somehow violence and abuse is all I’ve really ever known… A lot of my childhood memories consist of my father beating up my mom.(Julie’s Domestic violence”) As most little girls being afraid of their dad. Julie ran away from that “monster” she call her dad. She as well as her mom had been beaten up for no reason. Julie could remember some words that she repeated to her dad. “I could still hear my pleas as a child to my father to stop. I could still feel the pain.”(Julie’s domestic Violence”). Julie always thought to herself that she will never fall in the same situation as her and her mom did. She was determined that this will never happen again in her life. As most 15 year old teenage girls that fall in love at a young age, Julie was one of them. She never felt so happy in her life until she met him. Julie’s “lover” knew what was her life at home with his dad. So they started dating. The first year of their relationship, she was the happiest girl in the whole planet , she couldn't ask for anything else in the world. She was deeply in love. At age 16 she found out that she was pregnant with a little girl.(Julie’s Domestic Violence”). During that pregnancy that's when the whole abuse began, both emotional and physical. With no warning signs, he would smack her, pull her hair and spit at her.(“Julie’s Domestic Violence”). The abuse was repeatedly happening to her. Then two years later she got pregnant again, this time he did not attend to his second daughter's birth. He basically kept her isolated , like she was a prisoner in her own home. No family. No friends. No support. And then, four months later she got pregnant again, this time with fraternal

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