
Women In Music Concerts

Satisfactory Essays

Over the past weekend, I attended four concerts of the same band and I noticed something that I’ve noticed consistently throughout the many shows I’ve attended - the immense response of women where music is concerned.

Now, at these shows it’s only natural for us to gravitate toward new people. It’s a new atmosphere, especially for those of us who don’t have friends with a similar music taste, and it gives a chance to gush about how talented the guitarist is or the vocal range of the lead singer. We are a community of music lovers and it shows in the turnout of the concerts I’ve had the opportunity to view live these past few years.

It goes without saying that we are often ridiculed for the kind of music we enjoy growing up, the same can be said for a few of my peers, and it does feel insecure about listening to anything that I liked for a while. That is, until I decided that I wasn’t about to …show more content…

Yes, he probably is, but what does anyone get out of saying that? Who is that person to set the standard on what music is good? If someone is only there because the find a band member attractive, what business is it of anyone else's? She’s still there watching someone she admires dance across the stage in all of their handsome glory. She’s still enjoying herself without worry and that is the point of the show. We aim to be free of the all consuming problems in our lives and that’s exactly what we achieve.

So this is my advice to you, ladies. Unapologetically listen to your favorite music. Scream it from the rooftops. If someone’s in your car and you want to hear your favorite artist sing about how they thought love was the top, play that song because it’s not their car and you can listen to whatever you want. If you want to go see your favorite band four times in one week, do it, because it’s worth if it makes you

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