
Women Voting Rights

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Women Voting Rights in saudi arabia: How has social and political conditions change over the years for women?

The issue that will be focused on is social and political conditions changing over the years for women in the arab socitey in the middle east. The problem with this issue is that women in the arab world as in other areas of the world have experienced discrimination and have been subject to restriction of their freedom and rights to vote. This problem is to women because of religious beliefs, but many of the limitations are cultural and enmatte from tradition as well as religion. These obstacles towards women suffrage and liberties are reflected in laws dealing with criminal justice, economy education and healthcare. For this topic the main place that I will be focusing on is saudi arabia a big problem to this issue in saudi arabia is that women are sold …show more content…

Also because it leads to fair treatment of women in the public service, there are a lot of women that are treated unfairly and need to overthrow this issue with the women’s rights movement. Some unique advantages focusing on this issue in a big history perspective is that they can see how long women have been getting treated unequal and things that we could do by a world/countrie to change the issue into a positive impact for women and everybody else. Another advantage to this issue is that there are less problems with the population system because there are not a lot of people voting so the government gets what they really want with women not having much rights to do anything and the population will not grow much people voting unless the women make a movement and speak up about their rights and change the

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