
Women as Victims of Crime

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Women as Victims of Crimes
Elisha M. Snead
Women in Crime
April.24, 2012

Gender violence is a prevalent problem worldwide, touching all aspects of women’s lives from the home to the workplace to the street. Efforts to understand the nature global extent of violence against women are recent activism and building on gender violence is in a period of fast development. In this paper I will discuss what violence against women is, signs of abuse, I will also discuss the increasing violence against women, the types of violence against women, laws on violence against women and getting help for violence. What is violence against women one might ask? Webster’s dictionary defines violence as and exertion of physical force as to injure or …show more content…

The study surveyed 73,600 individuals in 41,500 households. Among all violent crimes, domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault showed the largest increases. The projected number of violent crimes committed by intimate partners against women increased from 389,100 in 2005 to 554,260 in the 2007 report (Adams 129). By comparison, the number of violent crimes against men by intimate partners went down. This shows that women are being victimized more often. The National Crime Victimization Survey is conducted every two years; the data is gathered in phone calls made to a sample of households across the United States. Some criticism from experts in the subject caused the survey to be adjusted in 2007 to capture more accurately the incidence of gender-based violence. Two major shifts were to describe types of sexual assault to those being interviewed, and to replace "computer-assisted telephone interviews conducted from two telephone centers" nationwide with interviews "by field representatives either by telephone or in person" according to (Remarks 120). There are many types of violent crimes committed against women. Dating violence is when one person purposely hurts or scares someone they are dating. Dating violence happens to people of all races, cultures, incomes, and education levels. It can happen on a first date, or when you are deeply in love. It can happen whether you are young or

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