
Women 's Empowerment Of Women

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This poem is from a modern perspective, and reflects the empowerment that women have created for themselves in the last century. One of the ways which female oppression became so widespread and successful was the acquiescence of the majority of women. Women were beaten, killed, imprisoned, and ostracized for standing up to oppression. However, the more that women refused to be made into objects and mistreated the less men were able to do so with impunity. Spera’s poem is rich with bitter disgust of how careless men remain today. Even though women are much more self-sufficient, have representation in the courts, and greater access to education, men are very slow on the uptake of equality. Patriarchy is still in power today, and many men ride on the ideological coat-tails of history, unwilling to accept women’s empowerment. Even the most liberal minded males balk with offense if they meet a women more capable than themselves. Because of the heavy handed double standard of the gender wars, women of the past have been required to be many things for a man, but no standards were placed on the man. Even though this has changed today, there are still many men who make no real attempt to be a good mate; content that if they do not beat their partner they are better than the majority. The fact is, violence towards women is still rampant worldwide for the same reasons Browning wrote. Men are intimidated by the capacity, brilliance, and empowered stance of women. Many are

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