
Essay on Women’s Role in Society: Throughout the Years

Decent Essays

Modernism is the term of deviating from the norm. In the early 1900s, modernism influenced women’s role in society by providing more opportunities, jobs, and role models for girls today, in society. In the 1920s-1940s, women were encouraged to step outside of the home and work, but on the other hand, women were also encouraged to be stay-at-home mothers. Women should stay at home if they have the ability to do so. However, women should not feel like they have to be isolated from the rest of the world with chores and children all day. In 1920, The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. The Equal Right Amendment, often referred as (ERA), was first introduced to Congress in 1923. The amendment should have equal rights, and provokes …show more content…

The next year in 1932, Hattie Wyatt Caraway of Arkansas, became the first woman Women had more leaders to look up too, including their very own first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, who was very supportive. She held her very own press conference, allowing only women reporters to attend. Eleanor was different from the previous first ladies. She spoke out during conventions and conferences. She portrayed herself as a true woman, who was worthy, like any man would have. Marian Anderson, a famous singer, gave a private concert at the White House for President Roosevelt. He was entertaining the famous King George VI and his Queen Elizabeth of Britain. During the war in the 1940s, an aggressive media campaign urged more than six million women into the workforce. It is astonishing seeing each year; there were better accomplishments that women were making. Many learned new techniques such as working in steel plants, shipyards, and lumber mills. Sports also became a new and admired era in this time. The famous “Rosie the Riveter”, “We Can Do It!” was a part of the governor campaign that brought women into the workplace during the war. Following the end of WWII, most of these jobs went back to the men, and women were encouraged to either return back home or find a “female” job. This reveals that women were used. They were only needed when most of the men were in the war. In

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