
Work Life Lessons Learned

Decent Essays

From experiences and relationships, you’ll learn countless lessons that shape you as a person from bad to good. As a person, one thinks that life is like a box of chocolates, but in reality, it isn’t I had to learn the hard way, overcoming a sickness to knowing how to choose the right people to hang out with in high school and last but not least balancing my work life and school. In June of 2007, I was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. This illness, friendly fired my own immune system and attacked part of my peripheral nervous system which left me with no motor function in my lower extremities and arms. After being diagnosed they started me on treatment with a high dose of Intravenous Immunoglobulin therapy this helped attack invading viruses in my immune system. One month after receiving the treatment I started therapy the first days were the hardest time of my life knowing I couldn’t really walk and I would struggle to keep myself up. Evaluating the situation I was in while being in the hospital made me realize that I shouldn’t take life so for granted because anything can happen any second in life that can change it forever. Every second of pain and dedication I had to put in to get back up on my feet was a life …show more content…

I wake up every morning at four-thirty to get ready for work. I get payed minimum wage and with that money that I make it covers my school tuition and expenses. It is so stressful staying up late to do homework and having to work the next morning. I tend to slack off at times due to being tired but in life nothing is impossible I work hard every day so I can have a better future later on in life, I learn from my mistakes so that I will not repeat them again. The lesson I learned for this was to keep pushing forward no matter what, I have to complete all my task and not fall behind in school. I have to advance in college and also in a

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