Scenario One: It’s Thursday morning and you’ve gotten your recommended eight to nine hours of sleep, but you still find yourself slumped over your desk at the office, dreaming of Caribbean islands. How will you make it through the day?
Scenario Two: It’s two o’clock in the afternoon and you need a pick-me-up, but would rather not inhale a jug of coffee or Red Bull. What else can you ingest for a much-needed kick-in the-butt?
Scenario Three: It’s late in the day and you have one hour left to finish a project and meet a deadline—spirits are low, stress is high, and all you want to do is plan your coming winter getaway. What ever will you do?
What do all three of these situations have in common? Energy. Or better yet, the lack of. As a power source, energy is the strength and vitality needed to push through the day mentally and physically. Derived from our bodies, the fueling resource comes and goes as it pleases, often absent in times when we need it the most. So, what to do in cases like the aforementioned? Especially when you need to get through your day in order to make some cash for all your many adventures and travels? Below, tips on conquering each individual tiresome work scenario (in order to have more fun outside of work).
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adrenaline fix to set the day in motion.
Get It By: There are many easy steps that you can take in order to attain some energy in the office, and surprisingly, yawning is one of them. “Yawning is your body’s way of cooling down the brain, essentially waking it up," explains Andrew Gallup, PhD, a research associate at Princeton University to Health. On the flip side of yawning, you can also move. According to a study in Personality and Social Psychology, walking for ten minutes can keep you energized for two hours. So take a bathroom or water break, and move those legs.
Crack a cold one. Pour it down and drink it up. Load up and chow down. Whether you are looking for a quick bite or attempting to rally, the options are limitless.
With regard to sleepiness, several studies indicated that the average of sleep duration in 1910 to 2002 have decreased from 9 to 6 hours on workdays (National sleep foundation, 2002; Groger et al., 2004). Recently, a survey study of Roger et al. (2004) shows that an American Nurses have an average of 84 minutes more sleep on non workdays. Thus, shift work suggested as a cause of sleeping disorder among nurses where they feel of sleep during the shift. Considering the contributing factors of sleepiness, the literature identified that long working hours and rotating shifts are causing sleeping disorder. In the night and rotating shifts, the nurses are rarely obtained adequate amount of sleep. In fact, the nurses experiencing less sleeping hours (1 to 4 hour) than normal sleeping (Zeisler et al.,1980). Nevertheless, insufficient sleep is a significant reason of damaging planning, decision-making, and integration of information (Krueger, 1994; Harrison and Horne, 2000). More recent studies have revealed that long hour shifts and overtime are strongly linked to the difficulties of being a wake through the shift which leads to increase the risk of making an error (Scott et al., 2006; Roger et al., 2004).
Take time for yourself: find a true work life balance so that you have time to decompress after work and enjoy activities that can help you feel rejuvenated.
The lack of sleep is very actual topic for million people who have “social jet lag” schedule like me. I picked this topic without any hesitation because I always dream about couple extra sleep hours. I am workaholic and always work hard, but decision to change career and get another degree in healthcare made my life extremely busy. America is the country of great possibilities and people who want to get education can do it any time. Here is no age discrimination, so even people of my age can go back to school; moreover, such people are supported : they can get financial help and from the government and from the facility they are working, especially, if the facility needs graduated professionals.
I was entirely unprepared for this. I was up until three in the morning during homework. I was only able to get two and a half hours of sleep before I had to wake up bright and early for the next day of school. I struggled to stay awake the whole day. It would then
Someone in today's day and age resurrecting from the dead is unheard of. Yes, there are some unexplainable medical mysteries, but the only time we ever hear of someone returning from the dead is in works of literature or art. Anytime a character is resurrected from the dead, it’s alluding to the biblical story, The Resurrection. The story is about Jesus who died on the cross for sins of God’s people and three days later rose from the dead in accordance with the scripture and God’s word.
Energy drinks are drinks that don’t contain alcohol, and often lightly carbonated. They are designed to give the drinker a burst of energy by adding of a number of ingredients, most notably caffeine. They are mostly found in grocery stores, corner stores and gas stations, usually displayed beside the soft drinks, juices and sports drinks. The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, reports that more teens are downing energy drinks; in 2003, 16% regularly consumed the drinks, while in 2008, that percentage jumped to 35%. Another study of college student consumption found 50% of students drank
Ever since I started in high school, mission work has been a major part of my life. For the past three years, for two weeks at a time, I have been going to the poorest region of Jamaica. The organization I have been a part of is called American Caribbean Experience, or ACE for short. The experiences I have had while doing mission work in Jamaica have changed my life forever. In order to pursue my passion for mission work I decided to apply for an internship with ACE. I was chosen along with six other people to become interns for the summer of 2018. This internship will be the first thing I do as soon as I graduate because I leave May 23rd and we graduate May 21st. This internship will also prepare me for my long term goal of becoming a doctor
Growing up, I always believed that I was experiencing the best of both worlds. However, growing up in the United States was not what I thought it would be. I was teased for not being born here, and always told that I do not belong here. Also, claiming that I would never be as smart as Americans, which made me angry. But, I challenged that anger into proving them wrong. I learned to ignore these comments and enjoy my life. That's when I began to fall in love with being Caribbean. Being haitian brought on an entire world that was only known to other Caribbeans. Carnivals, the food, and especially the language is what sets us apart from everyone else. Naturally being able to dance to Kompa, which is widely beloved by the world, and being able
II. Thematic Statement: Most people don’t think about the long term effects of not getting enough sleep you need to function properly. But if we all were to go to
The effects of long work hours, resulting in insufficient sleep have been well documented (Rogers, 2008). Insufficient sleep alone has been noted to cause cognitive problems, mood alterations, reduced job performance, reduced motivation, increased safety risks, and physiological changes (Rogers, 2008). Failure to obtain a sufficient amount of sleep is even an important contributor to medical errors (Rogers, 2008). Now think of the effects of sleep, and add in stressful work environments, short-staffing, pressure from administration, and unexpected events, we can begin to realize how patient outcomes may be greatly compromised.
“A cup of coffee, believe it or not, is a safer bet. Other drinks that can give us a boost are fruit juiced, sports drinks and even water. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, so we need to be sure to get at least eight cups of water per day to help keep our bodies going. Also, getting a healthy amout of whole grain and fruit- based carbohydrates can give our bodies energy. Snacking on fresh and dried fruits, veggies and whole grain cereals or bread are just a few options. Starting the day with a cup of yogurt, an apple and a hand full of granola can get you up and running after a long night.”
The term ‘Shift work’ is usually referred to uniformly divided allocations of the day in which individuals participate alternatively to provide twenty four hour coverage. A shift in sleep schedule conflicts with the body’s natural clock also known as the circadian rhythm into interpreting the time as ‘inappropriate’ and disrupts the homeostatic regulation cycle resulting in poor health outcomes. Fortunately, it is deemed possible to counter unfavourable effects of alternating insomnia and sleepiness through certain practices.
Sleep is one of the things that most students can say they do not get enough of. It is a time for us to rest and for a few blissful hours hopefully forget about the stress and worries of school and life. Unfortunately, due to too much work or too much studying to do, often enough, we do not get the amount we need each night to be fully rested the next day. But we have learned to cope with the sleep deprivation by drinking coffee in the morning to wake us up. Even though we are awake, how well can we function throughout the day when we have only had less than five hours of sleep? How much does our behavior change without enough sleep?
Sleep deprivation is the most widely recognized rest issue in America and College Students. Understudies dropout rate and instructional level is dropping in the fact that they don't get much rest. Rest is vital to our wellbeing, yet its influencing understudy's wellbeing the most. Being a college student we don’t have our personal alarm clock anymore, so we tend to oversleep or don’t sleep at all. I can affirm on the grounds that being all alone I have this same issue. I hear and see the influence it has on understudies day by day and at times battle with it myself. Sleep Deprivation is created by society's weights to succeed, which prompts numerous ailments and reductions in scholarly accomplishment in undergrads.