
Working Conditions In The United States During The 19th Century

Decent Essays

The fight for wages and better working conditions The United States during the 19th Century is best known for the Industrial Revolution and how it had a significant role on making the United States the most powerful country in the world. America began to capitalize on mass production of goods with the introduction of machines while also enabling an era of revolution. During this controversial period, The US Economy had obtained an expanded labor force. It was a time for industrial prosperity and growth but it was an entirely different narrative for the men, women and children, who were more often than not, forced to work in horrendous conditions. The rise of producing manufactured goods gave birth to the high demand for factory workers. At this time, many families struggled to make ends meet. It was almost mandatory to work in a factory because there were very limited options. The industrial age allowed businesses to replace skilled laborers in an attempt to keep labor costs at a minimum. Although pay varied by gender and age, typical employees made about $6 a week. This pay, at less than reasonable, forced workers into an endless cycle of financial hardship. On average, a …show more content…

These machines made mass manufacturing possible but at the same time were very treacherous. Kept in small spaces, without proper enclosure or ventilation, these machines emitted harmful gases and were the main reason for the excessive heat inside factories filled with workers. The machinery was often exposed and routinely claimed lives and often mutilated workers. For example, children were commonly forced to start working in factories from around the age of 5 and usually started out as “scavengers”. Scavengers were instructed to crawl under machinery to pick up loose scraps of cotton or wool. This was very dangerous. Many children were crushed by the machinery, lost fingers or limbs or lost their hair due to getting it tangled in

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