
Workout Log Analysis

Decent Essays

Is there any other way you can help me? Does the 25$ you charge only include you E-Book? Like can you help me make a “more proper training” I believe I work out like a powerlifter just lifting heavy weights in the beginning and then later in my workout do my 4 sets of 12. Below is what I usually do. I always start with compounds such as the flat bench, deadlift and squats. I do like 2 warm up sets 2 set of 12-10 then 3 sets of heavy lifting around 6-1 reps After that I do the rest of my workout by sets of 3 or 4 of 8-12 reps. Tuesday Chest/Triceps Wednesday Back/Biceps Thursday Legs/Abs Friday Shoulders/Traps Monday Chest Barbell Benchpress Medium Grip Barbell Incline Benchpress Medium Grip Chest Fly and Pec deck

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