Introduction Workplace bullying is a widespread issue in which people need to be educated on in order to put an end to it. Its causes are complex and multi-faceted and yet preventable. Workplace bullying puts unnecessary strain on the employees It is the employer and organizations responsibility to provide a bully free environment for their employees. Employees should have the right to feel safe in their work environment and be free from workplace bullying. Employers need to be held accountable and have a plan in place to protect the employees from this type of violence. Unfortunately that is not always the case, in some instances the employer is the one doing the bullying. Workplace bullying carries many definitions in which will be …show more content…
Causes of Workplace Bullying As stated above, the causes of workplace bullying are complex and multi-faceted. Research has shown that stress within the workplace and exposure to bullying is two causes of workplace bullying (Hauge, Skogstad, Anders, & Einarsen, 2009). There is a higher proportion of bullying in any size organization when there is a culture that does not promote social and human values (Baillien, Neyens, & Dewitte, 2011). Other common causes are emphasizing a competitive work environment by managers, also setting unreasonable demands, and goals and lack of authority from management, these factors can all lead to bullying within the workplace (Alsever, 2008). “There is good research available to suggest that strongly hierarchical or feudal organizations are more likely to have an inherent structure which invites, tolerates and supports bullying behaviors” (McCulloch, 2010). These are just a few examples of the many causes of workplace bullying.
Prevention of Workplace Bullying
Employees should have the right to feel safe in their work environment and to be free from workplace bullying. Employers need to be held accountable and have a plan in place to protect the employees from this type of violence. Barbara McCulloch is a mediator who has developed a process of mediation to address the complicated issues of bullying behavior in the workplace (McCulloch, 2010). Barbara suggests that
Bullying and harassment within the workplace can be attributed to a myriad of factors. The work
Workplace bullying is a big issue. It will create a lot of negative impact to the staffs and customers. The examples of workplace bullying can be sexual harassment, degrading someone, conducting the unethical behaviors and applying unprofessional conducts to the staffs and customers. The consequences caused by the workplace bullying can be as the following:
Cleary, M., Hunt, G. E., Walter, G., & Robertson, M. (2009). Dealing with bullying in the workplace. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 47(12), 34-41. doi:10.3928/02793695-20091103-03
After analyzing documents regarding bullying and laws: there are defined state and nation laws which vary for different countries but based on their regional behavior they have structured, but as you told both the employee and employer are not much concerned regarding this unless and until they experience such problem. I personally feel creating awareness among all the cadre of workers would reduce the bullying percentage.
Bullying in the workplace is the topic that Heeman has addressed and evaluated with the aid of research from additional authors. Communication plays a major role in bullying when brought into the workplace and it can continue for extensive lengths of time if not managed and handled properly. The roles of bullying are included in Heeman’s report which are the bully, the target, and the bystander. The costs on the workplace can be threatening to the staffing, productivity and the overall work environment. Percentages and research are presented proving the amount of bullying that actually takes place in the workplace. Ways to combat the bullying are introduced into the report to include understanding and taking action to stop and prevent the bullying from continuing. Heeman concludes his report by mentioning that researchers need to focus their attention on finding solutions and ways to intercept bullying to lower the statistics and ratios.
Workplace bullying is a very serious act that has a negative impact on individuals and the organization as a whole. Baack (2012), describes workplace bullying as an interpersonal conflict that is a repeated mistreatment of one or more persons (ch.7, p.19). Unfortunately, despite workplace bullying being so harmful, it is often a common occurrence. In the article, Workplace Bullying: Costly and Preventable, Wiedmer (2010), cites a survey conducted in 2007 by the Workplace Bullying Institute-Zogby; in which, thirty-seven percent of the U.S. workforce surveyed reported that they have been bullied at work (p. 36). The article also states that it is a pervasive practice by malicious individuals who seek power, control, domination, and subjugation, and the article goes on to convey information about bullying behaviors, employer practices, profiles the targeted individuals, and steps to take to prevent bullying (Wiedmer, 2010, p. 35). Bullying tactics are not only harmful, physically and mentally, to the targeted individual but is damaging to the organization and entire workforce.
In this course there will be 20 slides on workplace bullying, there will be two knowledge checks, a multimedia video, and a 10 question quiz to show what the trainees have learned from the training. Workplace bullying affects the organization, the workers, and the productivity of the organization however even with more research that has been done it’s still oversimplified and misunderstood situation that occurs in organizations (Branch, Ramsay, & Barker, 2013). There are some organizations that may overlook bullying because they think that competiveness and bullying are interchangeable and these are not interchangeable words. There is a distinct difference, most people have some competitive streak in them, and not all people have a bullying streak. Competiveness helps workers in organizations get quotas done in time and help push coworkers to do their absolute best but bullying make cause workers to do less than their best which then affects the productivity and work
Knowing how to handle these behaviors is beneficial since they are acts that are present regardless. Bullying in the workplace can lead to staff dissatisfaction, along with turnover, litigation, and can damage the reputation of the organization (Sullivan, 2013). Bullying does not just cause the threat to the individual but can cause harm to the patient and other staff that is in the presence of this behavior (Sullivan, 2013). Identifying an issue with problem staff early and intervene, to correct, if necessary is ideal to keep the team working efficiently.
An important descriptor of bullying is that it occurs repeatedly. There are many types of bullying whether it be physical or verbal, including gossiping and targeting in jokes, subjugating others to an inferior position, denying people from social groups, insulting, expressing derisive facial expressions, putting blame on that certain individual, being more closely scrutinized and unnecessarily criticized. Problems with bullying is that in the workplace this usually decreases the productivity and could lead to unnecessary resignations, which could cost the company even more money to find another person to fill that position. It’s not just work that suffers, the human body also does, as bullying also leads to emotion and physical problems. The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries found that these problems include high stress, financial problems, lower self-esteem, and sleep and digestion irregularities. To deal with bullying, workplaces should be strict in regards to dealing with bullying. This means that they should make it clear that bullying will not be tolerated and remind the workers that bullying hurts the business. In addition, in certain cases, you should confront the bully and tell them to stop, as this is sometimes enough to stop them, though you have to be sure that there is no danger in proceeding. In addition, if you happen to be a bystander, you should stand up, though this could be difficult to
Adult bullying in the workplace has become quite commonplace and its consequences can be far-reaching. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 146 million Americans are employed in the United States, and an estimated 54 million of those are bullied at work (Namie, 2007). These statistics are staggering. Bullying is defined as a combination of verbal abuse and behaviors that are humiliating, threatening, or intimidating and create harm (health, social, or economic) to individuals and may interfere with their productivity at work (Namie, 2007). With a prevalence of bullying taking place in the workplace, it appears that organizations need to better provide a sense of community and psychological support to its employees to address this widespread issue. The appropriate communication within the organization can make all the difference.
The frequency and duration of bullying are two aspects to consider to make a definition for this behavior. Despite few decades of research, the researchers still have not agreed upon the extent of frequency and duration to define bullying. More on the definition, the values and norms of the workplace need to be included as these influence how the employees perceive bullying. Cowie et al. explored three methods—the insider’s experience on bullying, the outsider’s experience, and the multi-method approach of both inside and outside perspectives. The researchers recommend future psychologists to apply the multi-method approach to assess, and mediate the
Bullying often associated with one kid being cruel to another kid, evolved beyond the playground, and move into adulthood. Unfortunately, bullying has emerged into the workplace, aptly called workplace bullying. Bullying can happen at the same organizational rank (employee to employee) or involve hostility by a supervisor toward an employee (Baack, 2012). Conversely, workplace bullying is the repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators that includes threatening, humiliating, or intimidating behavior, work sabotage and verbal abuse (WBI, 2014). The article, Workplace Bullying: Costly and Preventable by Terry Wiedmer (2011), presents information about workplace bullying including
Even worse for those affected by bullying is social isolation. Nobody talks to you, nobody will warn you if the boss comes around to check whether the employees do their work correctly and if you enter a crowded room a terrible silence cuts all conversations immediately. A colleague of yours may constantly defame you among all colleagues and spread (untrue) gossip about your private life in the company. You did not know that your children are gay and your partner has several love affairs? Now you know.
"You're going to hell!" Everybody threatened even God, and he is the angriest person in the bible, so why not corporations. Ethics and moral values are deteriorating. We are slowly losing our humanity. We are selfish in our motives, and the conduct of our behavior gives an indication of our morals. Moreover. managers do not want to know if there is an ethical violation within the corporation or if someone is being harassed or bullied. Unfortunately, bulling is an important fixture in the business world, as a result of that managers are destined to deal with the problem of bullying, and pretending that it doesn't exist. Essentially, managers would rather unburden the company of the employee being bullied, and restore harmony to the company at the expense of he victim. Additionally, bullying, not only puts the victim at risk, but management as well. They depend on the company for their livelihood, and this type of activity in the workplace gives the corporation an introverted feeling toward management. Moreover, the committed act of bullying is usually a person of authority, coupled with a few associates in the same department where the bullying is taken place. A display of force is exhibited forcing the cooperation of all the employees into submission, jobs are threatened, and employees speculating about their financial responsibility, and their families. It is either the victim or them, and the issue usually is a combination of jealousy and envy. Nonetheless, the ethical
Workplace bullying is the topic of the assignment for this week. Workplace bullying occurs when someone or several people in the workplace mistreat people working around them and cause undue stress and unrest. Workplace bullies are no different from child hood bullies and they terrorize, intimidate and menace but in an adult situation. The workplace bully uses this technique as a form of intimidation. (Baack, 2012) This paper will discuss and review information regarding workplace bullying and the impact on the victims and the organization. This paper will also provide firsthand accounts of workplace bullying and how the account related to the article this week. Finally, recommendation will be given of techniques from the article that the organization should use to deter and eliminate workplace bullying.