
World War Two Essay

Decent Essays

ne treatment to be after enlightenment, along with war becoming more common and aggressive. The first thing I asked myself when I read this question was what first comes to mind when you think of war the worst war I know of. I immediately thought of my knowledge of World War Two. Today that is one of the most brutal things to look back on. Holocaust was incredibly brutal and inhuman. The things people endured are unimaginable. That was less than on hundred years ago and it doesn’t seem to be improving. I don’t think you can ever say war is ever humane. It is people fighting for what they believe in and doing what they think is right. Most of the time they will kill and do what ever is needed to win the argument. I think one thing that …show more content…

It is also known that not everyone will completely agree with each other all the time. That is where I find Kant saying that we will abolish aggressive war entirely to be untrue. The largest wars happened after the enlightenment period and with each war the number of deaths grow. No two people are ever the same. They come from diverse backgrounds and have different experiences. It doesn’t matter if they are from the same town two people are never just alike. This causes problem and disagreements, which will eventually lead to war. Right now, we are in period with no major world wars, there are small ones in many nations. Looking from a world stand point this is seen as a time of peace, but like we talked about in class this correlates with the world right before WWI. Unfortunately, if history repeats itself within the next 50 years wars will ravage the earth again. Aside from the two world wars the number of casualties rise over time. The Taiping war in China from 1851-1864 is where over 22 million people died. That is far more than the thirty years war from 1618-1648, which was said to have over 5 million deaths. The wars many have little connection, but prove the point that wars less than 200 years apart and the amount of deaths more than triples in a third of the time. This is due to rise in total population. Proving my point again the rise of population only brings more issues and we all know issue lead to war. No matter ow bad we want it world

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