
Would He Have a Job? Essays

Decent Essays

“Every morning he is so excited to get to work.” said Kathryn Li, talking about her husband, Jiasun Li, a hardworking engineer and my colleague at Siebel Systems. She continued, “But today he is different, he is scared to get out of bed”. I thought to myself, “Why would anybody not be scared with all the layoffs rumors floating around?” while I was picking him up from his home. That Friday, the worst nightmare of Jiasun had come to be true. He was one of the 3200 employees who got laid off.
When Jiasun got that job right after Graduate School, he was exhilarated. His motivations were simple. He wanted to work for a company which assembled the greatest minds in the Hi-Tech industry. Money was never a part of his quest. Jiasun always said, …show more content…

The employees who were intrinsically motivated with the autonomy of a startup culture, who liked the challenges of new technologies and who had a sense of accomplishment whenever they achieved major milestones were getting extrinsically motivated by the reward of keeping their jobs in the new organization. Their performance took a hit and some employees even started to think if the new organization was the right fit for them. In my opinion, employees want to know the direction of the firm and if they are a part of firm’s vision. The morale of the employees would not have taken a hit if the new management had taken steps to understand the corporate culture of the smaller organization and arranged for a town hall meeting to actively solicit feedback and made the employees understand the reasons behind the layoffs.
Management has to create policies for reduction in force keeping in mind if the layoffs are absolutely necessary. Oracle Corporation rewarded few executives with bonuses for the merger while creating job losses for many which did not sit well with the larger work force. In my opinion, an organization has to make sure to frame policies in the best interest of the employees by reducing gains of few and securing the jobs of many. Also in the absolute necessity of layoffs, each employee’s situation in the sensitive matters of health and immigration has to be considered. Giving an option of voluntary retirement is also a great option in such circumstances. Had

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