
Write An Apology To People

Decent Essays

I appreciate the apology given to our people, but I feel that we deserve more. Sorry is not enough for us. I want my people to get back what they lost to yours. I want it to be as if your people never stepped foot in my land. I am asking for a reparation for our people. I want the land that was originally ours back and I want the money my people lost because of your people. Your people trespassed our land and claimed it as if it were theirs which was not. It was not right for your people to see us as a potential source for cheap labor. It was not okay to imprison our women, rape them and after that kill them. I certainly do not appreciate the fact that your people took us to camps to build new railroads, new houses, and government buildings. …show more content…

But the main reason most of my people died in your atrocious camps was because of exhaustion. Our people were overworked and received no rest. The worst thing was that my people did not receive a proper funeral they deserved. Their skulls were sold to scientists who wanted to prove the ridiculous idea that the white race was superior. Even after that atrocities did not stop, and the people that survived this hell were sold as slaves to white men. My people did not receive any peace instead they were met with more of your inhuman acts. Because of your savagery acts my people have become endangered. There was originally 80,000 Hereros, now there is only 20,000. Those people who miraculously survived lapsed into a terrible exhaustion that lasted for more than decade. We have had enough with your government. Our people did not deserve to be dehumanized, discriminated, and slaughtered by your people. I think my people would feel the relief of finally getting what they deserve. Although you apologized, I feel that we would be completely justified if we received a

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