
Write An Essay On Dyslexia

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Dyslexia is a neurological impairment that makes it hard for students to read.
As it causes confusion with vowels, hearing syllables and sound, and seeing letter direction. This results in delays in speech and difficulties with word order rhyme and rhythm. These symptoms prevent students from reaching standard goals and requirements within their classes. According to researchers, students suffering from dyslexia have a more difficult time learning through liter-acy compared to the average student (). A better understanding of dyslexia permits the develop-ment of improved teaching strategies that will increase literacy skills for dyslexic students. Stu-dents with Dyslexia require more diagnostic methods highly-qualified teachers and additional resources to help them improve literacy skills. Diagnostic Methods: People with dyslexia are affected differently, but the most common things they all have in common are spelling, phonological processing, and or rapid visual-verb re-sponding. … WHICH LEADS TO …Emphasizing Phonics helps determine whether or not a child is dyslexic. …show more content…

“There is con-troversy, however about the ambitious targets set from Year 1 onwards and the risks of some children being regarded as dyslexic simply because they cannot keep up with the pace”( Pi-otrwski & Reason, year, p. #). In a study over the course of two months, children with dyslexia were taught for one month without the Phonics method and then the second month they were taught with the Phonics method and their grades went from failing to straight A and B students (). This shows that Learning with Phonics can be very helpful and resourceful too children with

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