
College Essay On Dyslexia

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According to Dr. Denise Gibbs Dyslexia is what is likely occurring when you have a “typical” student who has not responded to good reading instruction and supplemental efforts to remediate phonics weaknesses. Dyslexia has both advantages and disadvantages. Many of the disadvantages can be overcome with early identification and needed dyslexia-specific instruction and intervention. This needs to take place when dyslexia is characterized by learning challenges- before challenges morph into disabilities. Dyslexia impacts between 10-20% of the population. Ninety percent of the children with dyslexia in this country have never been identified. Dyslexia is genetic and you cannot cure it but you can treat it.
Visuospatial Strengths of Adolescents with Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is evident when accurate and fluent word reading or spelling develops very incompletely or with …show more content…

Guidance protocols and educational arrangements in primary and secondary education are optimized so that students can get past their difficulties and function according to their talents (Tzouveli, Schmidt, Schneider, Symvonis, & Kollias, 2008). To have more information about the specificity of adult dyslexia, (Hatcher, Snowling, and Griffiths (2002) compared the cognitive and literacy skills of 23 university students with dyslexia to those of 50 matched control students. All participants completed 17 tasks assessing reading and writing, processing skills, phonological skills, verbal fluency, verbal abilities, non-verbal abilities, and self-reported problems in attention and organization. It must be kept in mind that although impaired reading and writing are the center problems of dyslexia, they probably are but the most visible impairments of larger neuropsychological deficit (Habib, 2000). There are multiple tests available which contribute to an efficient diagnostic protocol for young adults with

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