
Writer Checklist

Good Essays

Albinus T Clark
Corinne Tatum
English 101
Writer checklist: With each essay submitted, a Writer checklist must be included. This checklist should be submitted in the same document as your essay.

Writer’s Checklist for Writing a Narrative

1. How does my title and introduction make my essay enticing?
2. How is my thesis effective?
3. What details have I included so the reader can visualize my experience?
4. How are the events presented in a logical sequence?
5. How have I used transitions to help the sequence of events flow smoothly?
6. Have I used a consistent point of view and verb tense?
7. What is the point of my narrative?
8. How does the ending of my story make this a satisfactory ending?
9. What steps did I take to proofread …show more content…

I am not often ignored, but easily recognized. I choose or search for anything or someone who can make me happy. I really do not have an alternate life. I have a unique identification. I always spend my time reading books, and it was synonymous with me to be seen jaunting around with a novel. I have habit of reading old text and the more archaic and deranged type of English and this is my individuality. When I joined college, I made Valarie who was an attractive and beautiful lady. I could easily describe her as an angel. This is because it was the first impression someone can have of her. Valarie was a lady we admired and wished to be in college, she excelled in her academics, and always attained or clinched the top position each time after a test. Furthermore, she was a very competent and talented …show more content…

Valarie was constantly involved in the national Dance Competitions and it became difficult for her to complete her project work. She had very minimal time to engage in the assigned work as she spent considerable time rehearsing thoroughly for the competitions. I offered myself to be assisting her to finish her assigned work, because I lucidly comprehended her inevitable predicaments. I willingly always assisted her, and I used to be handling for her the tough work, and leaving the easier ones for her so that she could finish and get ample time to rest. On the appointed that the results were to be released, I was very anxious and zealous, crossed my fingers hoping that we get a good mark though the work had been generally very ambiguous and tough. A number of groups of my colleagues and I talked and chanted amongst ourselves uneasily, attempting to get our minds off the main subject which was the results. “Your general performance in the end year English project is satisfactory. However, Jack and Willis have impressed a lot. Oh! Sorry, Valarie and Fence are the one with incredible and sterling performance! Please give them a round of applause.” We had scored the highest marks in the overall ranking. We felt pleased of our achievements. I could not believe it! Valarie and myself we indeed filled with great sense of

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