
Writers Have Tools For Their Craft

Better Essays

Writers have tools for their craft. In this writer’s opinion, all the tools of the trade serve their purpose and are needed, however, there a few that are critical to any writing endeavor; identifying the target audience, theme, language, and narrative structure. Each of these features are woven into the narrative with a specific purpose and are expected to work collectively to produce a story that not only expresses the tale but also makes a connection. This essay will strive to stress the importance of the writing techniques and styles shown through the target audience’s different roles, the language being used with the narrative, the narrative structure presentation, literary conventions produced and the theme(s) being incorporated. …show more content…

Once the writer becomes confident that they have established their target audiences’ requirements, they must now decide upon which writing style and subsequent techniques that will be the most effective for the work. These could include, but are not limited to the dialogue presentation, use of symbols, and themes. Dialogues within a narrative appeal to me as a reader for it allows the audience and the character to interact on a more personal level. However, as a writer, I utilize a more indirect dialogue method. I tend to use the inner thoughts of my characters to advance the story instead of character to character dialogue. I feel that it gives my main character more depth and enhances the connection between that character and the audience. Maxine Shore, the author of The Captive Princess, delivered a story with a very introspective style. She made the reader feel as if they were experiencing the world first hand alongside the protagonist, Gwladys. There was not a lot of outside conversation between the characters, instead, most of the conversation were centralized monologues and introspective wonderings by Gwladys as she interacted with her world. This style of utilizing the conversational and casual observational atmosphere, much like David Sedaris’ Leviathan, allowing the reader to make a deeper and more meaningful connection with the Celtic

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