n order to graduate a college or university, the most of majors requires students to take one or more writing intensive classes. Writing intensive courses(WI) are courses that use writing as a central tool to study a subject and require a lot of reading and writing. HawCC offers WI classes from different subjects such as Geography, English, and Sociology. I chose to take a WI in Psychology. It is so INTENSE! but helps me to understand the concepts of the subject. I will write more about this class soon:) But,,, if you are interested in graduating from US college, I strongly recommend you to take an English writing class from a good teacher who knows what he/she is teaching. And,, do not afraid to ask questions:)
Hello Brevin, I have to agree with your statement about the intimidating task of writing based courses. I, too, felt that I would excel in the writing-based course due to experience with creating narratives for reports and writing city ordinances for legal review. I have found that the experience of a writing-based course is focused on forcing one to learn.
Why do some college freshmen find it harder to write an essay in college than in high school?” College freshmen usually struggle with the transition from high school writing to college writing. They do not know that the writing in college has a lot of differences. They also do not know that college writing has different rules. These students get confused with these rules. There are many other reasons cause these struggles. There are different styles in writing, for example: In college writing in college need to be done with at least two pages or more unlike in high school which takes four to six paragraphs. As a first-year student and English is my second language, I am really struggling to write a paragraph, spending hours to finish
Words are an essential part of everyone's life, from the time a baby is born words are encouraged to stimulate their growth because simply being able to say "milk" or "mama" provides the baby with a huge amount of power. In fact, they were even used to
The importance of college-level writing is a topic that is very much backed up and accompanied by facts and studies. Writing in the college-level is needed in order to master college work in any class. Basically all classes require you to more than likely submit some kind of research paper or essay. Writing for Learning to Improve Students’ Comprehension at the College Level by Fahad Alharbi as well as Luiza Costa Ribeiro, Writing Essays at College: Why it’s Important both go into detail on how important writing at this level is and all the skills learned for during and after college. As well on how you can benefit from them.
Writing a college-level essay can be tricky, especially if there is lack of inspiration or the ideas aren’t organized well enough to articulate into a draft. However, in the case of higher-level education; students are encouraged to stimulate their learning through writing, in order to acquire an analytical and understanding capacity to be successful in college. Coupled with planning, research, and hard work; writing essays for college becomes an easier task in a short time, resulting in the improvement of critical thoughts. In the article, Using Writing to Promote Reading to Learn in College, Hayes Christopher G, states that, “the written text allows both reader and writer to examine thoughts captured in time and recorded in words, thereby encouraging more complex thinking because constraints imposed by memory have been abolished by the written record” (Hayes 4). After all, more than any other invention, writing has transformed the human consciousness. This mastery gives society the ability to improve every day, by enhancing their personalities, considering that having a good use of language and information, will result in achieving great success. In the article: Reconsidering English Teaching for Improving Non-English Majors’ English writing Ability, Yuru Shen declares how, “it is self-evident that grammar plays a very important role in language learning, including English learning” (Shen 74).With this in mind, understanding that college level composition is important will
When I graduated high school, I already knew that I wanted to attend college other than going to the work force. I heard stories about college being fun and it is one of the greatest accomplishment a person can achieve. So, I began college right after high school. As I entered college, I learned that I will have to focus more on writing papers than having fun. In high school my teachers did not prepare me for college essays. I feel like I learned a lot more failing on my college writing assignment than passing on the essays in high school. Well now I have approached the end of the semester of college, and I am exhausted from the constant writing assignments. Although the assignments were difficult like I said it was also helpful. Each assignment helped me in different ways. The assignments helped me improved with my grammar, time management, and how to process before I begin writing. In English 1010 I had different types of writing assignments. I had to write a literacy narrative paper, analysis paper, research paper, and lastly an autoethnography paper which I am doing now. An autoethnography is when the author uses self reflects to write about their experiences about writing a paper. English is not the only subject that I had writing assignments in. I also had to write assignment in my business class. My English teacher had informed me that I will have to do an autoethnography. So, I used my paper in my business class to reflect on how I write by
When it comes to evaluating myself and if I am prepared for my first college writing course I believe that I am prepared to take my first college writing course. Before joining my ESC 021 class with Professor Kraft I felt that I was prepared and that I would be able to complete assignments without difficulty, but I was so used to the one on one sessions where I would go over the little mistakes or find ways to produce an exceptional essay that I forgot that I was own my own now. Through the short time in ESC 021 I learned my weaknesses and strengths as a writer. I now have the ability to receive feedback and effectively use my feedback to better my assignments.
Edgar Allan poe's where is here is a good example of gothic literature because it has a gloomy mood. It also has the diverse settings and other things that make it more spooky. When he explains that the he use to live in the house it got scary. He said his parents were dead, but he wasn't either. He also said that he was afraid of his dad because he was super angry and aggressive. Also He didn't like the basement which makes us wonder why he didn't want to go down there or what happen to make him not like it. Most likely he didn't want to go down there because it was dark or his dad hurt hi down there. He was also scared of his dad because his dad beat him and abused him.
Wow, where do I begin? When I first came into this class I assumed it was just another boring writing class that I just needed to walk away with an A in. Boy did I walk away with more. The main things I came away with were that writing is a way to express myself when I don’t have the voice to say it. Sometimes it's much easier to write my ideas on paper and later find the proper word choice to bring it all together. I became my biggest critic, whether it was about using the correct word choice or correcting my paper and realizing that my sentences weren’t flowing smoothly. Those are pretty big components to writing. So yes, I’d say this class changed my outlook on writing.
When it comes to college level writing and how many sentences should be in a paragraph, I personally keep mine to about 5 to 7 sentences per paragraph. As a writer, the goal is to get the point across as clearly as possible. What has been most beneficial to most writers is by cutting down on extra or unneeded words; also another technique used is grammar techniques and correct vocabulary usage.
The responsibilities and challenges of being the student leader of about 60 students in the Junior Reserve Officer Corps during high school inspired me to be a leader. After graduation, I joined the Virginia Army National Guard as a Combat Medic and pursued a civilian profession as an Emergency Department Technician. I began to master the position’s technical skills and learned how to build interpersonal relationships with the people around me. Knowing that leaders continue to seek out ways to personally grow, I began taking the initiative in my professional career to develop essential leadership skills and qualities. I started to take the lead role in executing new processes and worked with hospital leaders to perfect those processes which improved the quality of care and safety of our patients. In the National Guard, I have had to act as the leader of my peers within my platoon in the absence of my supervisors during my military training. Even after gaining valuable experience by working above
Today in class we had Diane Martinez come to speak to us about professional writing as a concentration. She began by going over the what the professional writing concentration would be useful towards. She handed out a paper that listed what kind of jobs students in the professional writing program can get. Some of these jobs include business, creative writing, information technology (IT), journalism, and public relations. Also listed on the paper was some of the most common jobs for professional writers; this can include working as a writing coach, writing for a magazine, being a public relations specialist, and working in publishing. She informed us that English majors concentrating in professional writing are valued because they are flexible and able to communicate well. Many fields and professions need professional writers, even if they are not necessarily looking for them.
At the beginning of the term, I came into this class not feeling very confident about my writing. I had taken writing classes in the past, but none to the extent of a college level writing course. One of the skills that I found I lacked the most was my vocabulary. While my writing structure was often not a problem my writing did not sound as sophisticated as it could be. I occasionally used a thesaurus but this would often cause problems as sometimes the words would not quite agree with the meaning of my sentence. Throughout the term the one thing that helped me the most with this problem were the workshops. As my peers corrected my paper they helped me to come up with more intelligent words to get my point across to the reader. I believe that without the inclusion of these workshops my essays would not have been as cleanly written.
I have never considered myself a writer. I honesty would try to avoid writing if at all possible. My weakest subjects throughout school have always been reading and writing. I would dread having to sit at my computer and attempt to produce a paper. I only would read required material for class; reading was never fun for me.
Leon Battista Alberti, born in the 15th Century originally from Genoa was educated at Padua and Bologna in classics, mathematics and Church canon law. He was a typical Humanist and his education also made him well-versed in philosophy, science and the arts. In 1421, he attended the University of Bologna where he studied law, which he did not enjoy. Later on, he obtained a degree in canon Law which then led to his mathematical studies. His book, Della Pittura published around the year 1430 were written to influence both artists and patrons through a combination of technical detail and philosophical discussion on Florentine art. This book is divided into 3 parts, the first relates to perspective and mathematics. The second and third parts