
X & Y Gentlemen 's Grooming

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The business name “X&Y Gentlemen’s Grooming” creatively evolved during the research phase of my planning process – Understanding that males are drawn to scientific elements when considering grooming products and services, specifically research and proven effectiveness of products and services as this helps draw a line between what they consider as something they utilise for a purpose rather than cosmetic or beauty reasons (which they associate with feminine products and services). Therefore it was only fitting the name have a scientific appeal – hence X&Y, the male chromosomes. X&Y Gentlemen’s Grooming located within Parramatta’s major business and retail district will be a one stop shop for all modern day males essential grooming needs – …show more content…

The target client base for X&Y will be middleclass modern day males, professionals, managers, sales workers – males seeking a well groomed appearance for their workplace, events and social life. Males are spending more time taking care of themselves with a strong focus on personal grooming - averaging 83 minutes per day spent on grooming. With male grooming on the rise and limited grooming services in the Parramatta region there is definitely a strong market for it. Research has revealed males are currently seeking grooming services via female focussed salons as they are not willing to travel over 38 kilometres to access male focussed services located in other regions of Sydney. Placing a business that offers all essential male grooming needs in the one location with products and services reasonably priced according to the income level of the area is going to make the business a successful venture. Sole trader, Cassandra Mau is a qualified Beauty Therapist in the field of aromatherapy and electrolysis gained via the Australian National College of Beauty. With a passion for Dermal Therapies, Aromatherapy and Ayurvedic Healing, she is continually furthering her knowledge and skills in these particular areas to remain up-to-date with industry standards and trends. The social and cultural ideals of males are evolving – from the 1994 reference of the “Metrosexual Male” to today’s referencing of the “ Retrosexual Male” - thanks to the increase of well groomed males within

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