The purpose of this paper is to go into extensive research on Alprazolam aka “Xanax” in the duration of this paper, it will be evident the impact that this drug can have on the human body and in my instances, it will be apparent not only how helpful it can be but how life damaging it can be, if not taken safely and carefully. This report will go into extensive detail on the psychodynamics of the drug as well as the pharmacokinetics. Alprazolam is quite powerful and mind altering the affects that it can have on the body can be very intense, especially if not taking carefully which is why it is vital to make sure that you take the recommended doses taken by your doctor, failure to do so can result in death.
Alprazolam is a Central Nervous System
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Peak concentrations in the plasma occur between one and two hours following administration. Plasma levels are proportionate to the dose given. Xanax has been used as a tranquilizer and was quite controversial in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Ironically enough, the controversy isn’t as prevalent with more than three million Americans using benzodiazepines daily within the last twelve months. Many years ago, before the rise in prescription medication being given by physicians many patients went through talk therapy and would talk in depth with their doctors about their feelings and emotions; this process had proven to be very expensive and time consuming and not even always effective. The notion that giving more drugs out for minor mental illnesses and anxiety being beneficial took a place in people’s lives and a revolution was born. Granted, talk therapy was still relative however prescribing medication for these ailments took off majorly and the rise in prescription use for Xanax …show more content…
If the individual decides to get into a vehicle after mixing these medications then they can expect not to be able to drive as safely as they would while not under the influence of the mixed medications and of course the results can be hazardous, ending in an accident or even death. According to the scientific American both alcohol and Xanax are cleared from the body from the same liver enzymes; both drugs are broken down by the exact same compounds which is problematic being that it takes the body longer to detoxify itself after taking the two together at the same time subsequently making the substance stay in your system that much longer. It seems that the attraction to taking these two drugs simultaneously is because of how they both are intensified when taking them together however that intense feeling can be very dangerous and it can cause intense sedation, very dangerous accidents, severe depression, and cardiac
A drug has become very popular on the street and you might have had it before. Over the last year a medical drug called Fentanyl has started being made by drug dealers. Normally Fentanyl is used in hospitals as a powerful painkiller so it may have been used on you before. However, fentanyl like most painkillers is highly addictive and dangerous. In fact, Fentanyl is 50-100 times stronger then the commonly known painkiller Morphine. It’s also 25-50 stronger then the modern street drug heroin. Because it’s so strong only 2-3 milligrams of Fentanyl are enough for someone to suffer a fetal overdose. A little while back; enough Fentanyl was seized in a New York drug bust to kill 32 million people. So now America has declared a national emergency
As the opioid epidemic continues to rise, news outlets and politicians have focused their attention on heroin and opioids. However, they continue to ignore the number one killer, fentanyl. This synthetic opioid is similar to heroin but 50-100 times more potent. In the pharmaceutical industry, fentanyl is prescribed to treat extreme pain, specifically in cancer patients.
Narcotics have long been a plague of our society. Abused substances range from basement made concoctions of unknown origin and up to prescription medication abuse. Fentanyl, an opioid drug, is a recent addition to addicts’ portfolio and it is extremely dangerous.
“Matty Rix grew up in a community that had much to offer a happy, adventurous boy. He took advantage of the open spaces and the forests and streams, whether riding his four-wheeler with friends or fishing and hunting with his father. But small-town, rural southern Maine also had something else to offer its curious youth: A steady supply of pain pills and other prescription drugs.” (Richardson, 2011)
Xanax is a benzodiazepine that is most often used to treat anxiety. The effects of benzodiazepines mainly come from their ability to alter the movement of the inhibitory transmitter known as GABAa. GABA is triggered to release when it then can bind to the GABAa receptor. The binding of the two causes the ion channel to open and chloride ions are sent across the cell membrane. This causes the inhibitory factor by depolarizing the membrane (Griffin et al., 2013).
What drug is the antagonist and may be used to treat benzodiazepine overdose? What is the dosage in adults? Pediatric patients? What is the risk for complication with its use?
If you have been working in EMS for longer than a week you will probably already know the epidemic that America is facing. The epidemic that I am referring to has no discrimination and anyone can fall victim to it. If it hasn't already destroyed your family in some way then you are one of the lucky few.
There must be special attention toward the patient's addiction history before these agents are prescribed. An understanding of the toxicity and side effects of benzodiazepines, abuse patterns and alternative anxiolytic and hypnotic agents may help clinicians to be safe from issues of medico legal case.
Alcohol is a drug; so mixing it with any other drug can be extremely dangerous. Drinking excessively over a period of time can cause problems with relationships, money or the law. It can also cause severe health problems and even death.
Methaqualone, is also referred to as Disco Biscuits, Down And Dirties, Jekyll-and-Hyde, Joe Fridays, Lemmon 714, Lemons, Lennon's, Lovers, Ludes, Mandies, Mandrake, Q, Qua, Quack, Quad, Quaaludes, Soaper, Supper, Vitamin Q, The Love Drug, Wallbangers, Whore Pills, and Sopor. This list of street names for the drug goes on and on.
The principle of treatment therapy is to helping the patients to reduce problematic drinking, deterring relapse back to heavy drinking and achieving and maintaining abstinence from alcohol (Edmunds, 2014). An oral naltrexone (ReVia) or injectable Vivitrol, Acamprosate and Disulfiram are used for the treatment of alcohol abuse (Edmunds, 2014). Disulfiram are used more often if unpleasant physical symptoms when alcohol is ingested but is reported to be more expensive and have reported to have adverse reaction to the patients (Edmunds, 2014). Benzodiazepines such as Lorazepam and Diazepam are also widely used for treatment of alcohol withdrawal. With the side effects and overdosing of benzodiazepines remains controversial in treating alcohol withdrawal and is always in need to monitor the patient for abuse (SAMHSA, 2013). Additionally, social detoxification and lifestyle management would benefit the whole treatment process such as referring the patient to social support groups and encouraging the family to support the patient during the treatment
Narcotics are central nervous system depressants that relieve pain without causing the user to lose consciousness. It is this reason many people choose to abuse prescription narcotics.
This can make it difficult to tell precisely which drug is affecting an individual’s emotions. Doctors do, however, have a pretty good idea of what each narcotic can do due to research in individuals that have taken one drug at a time.
However, it’s effects can do serious damage if not taken in moderation. College students find themselves turning to pills to take the edge off their stressful schedules. At some point alcohol and other drugs fell into the mix and Xanax abuse became a real problem on college campuses. Addicts’ brains start to forget how to relieve stress without the drug and their brains start to malfunction. Eventually depression and suicidal thoughts set in and the effects start to get more difficult to reverse. If caught by themselves or by a loved one, recovery should come very easy. Plenty of resources and professionals exist to handle this very
The efficacy and safety of the drug in patients under the age of 18 years is not established. With renal / hepatic insufficiency and long-term treatment, control over the picture of peripheral blood and liver enzymes is necessary. Patients who did not take previously psychoactive drugs respond to the drug at lower doses compared to patients taking antidepressants, anxiolytics or alcohol. With endogenous depression, alprazolam can be used in combination with antidepressants. With the use of alprazolam, patients with depression have seen cases of hypomanic and manic development. Like other benzodiazepines, alprazolam has the ability to induce drug dependence in long-term admission in large doses (more than 4 mg / day). With a sudden discontinuation of alprazolam, there may be comeback syndromes, such as depression, irritability, insomnia, increased sweating, especially with prolonged admission (more than 8-12 weeks). When patients develop such unusual reactions as increased aggressiveness, acute excitations, feelings of fear, thoughts of suicide, hallucinations, increased muscle cramps, difficult sleep, superficial sleep, treatment should be discontinued. During pregnancy Xanax is very dangerous due to its toxic effect on the fetus and increases the risk of congenital malformations when applied in the first trimester of pregnancy. Admission of therapeutic doses in later periods