
Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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1 Life of Pi by Yann Martel is an extremely intriguing novel. In the end of Chapter 36 in part 1 the author mentions, “This novel has a happy ending”. However the book doesn't end on a particularly happy note. In the book, the last chapter shows that even though Pi lost his whole family and no one believed his story until he made his own family, he happened to survive the impossible whilst learning more about religion and life. However, in the end, the author has left the truth of Pi's life at sea for the reader to decide.

2 A happy ending is an ending to a storyline where the reader is satisfied with the character's position. The major characters are also given the best possible scenario to end the book with. In the book Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the main character, Piscine ‘Pi’ Molitor Patel spends 227 days on a lifeboat in the Pacific Ocean with a ferocious Bengal Tiger, when his ship the Tsimtsum whilst going to Canada from Pondicherry, India. In the end, he gets saved only to realize that no one would believe his story which makes it more bittersweet than happy. …show more content…

In Part 2, chapter 38, Pi says “I am worried about my family. I can’t get to the level where the cabins are.” This shows how he wanted to help his family get out of the ship safely. However, he lost his whole family in the shipwreck while he was thrown into a lifeboat. This could have massively affected Pi’s mental health and his will to survive. Even if the alternate story were to be true, he lost his father and brother in the shipwreck and saw his mother murdered, the effects on Pi would still be the same. Nevertheless early on the book, it is shown that twenty years later lives with his loving wife, Meena, and two children, Nikhil and Usha.(Part 1, page

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