
You Are Required to Write an Essay in Which You Assess the Usefulness to International Marketers of the Three Theories of Internationalization Listed Below

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You are required to write an essay in which you assess the usefulness to international marketers of the three theories of internationalization listed below

Uppsala Model
Network Model
Born Global Pathway

Matteo Fabbi
University of Westminster, UK


Several studies have focused on theories of internationalization since the raid of globalization hit every aspect of our life and organization as much. The advancement of technology, the decline of trading barriers, the rise of students exchanges programs, yet the rise of low-cost airline companies, is driving the economy to become more integrated and homogeneous. This rapid process is getting …show more content…

Also Johanson et all. (2004) and many other authors have also shown that the Uppsala internationalization process is not valid for service industries.

The acquiring of knowledge is an important factor in evaluating the usefulness of the theories in analysis. If looking at the high-technology industry, products have very short life cycle and must be internationalize in a very short time if they want to be successful in the international market. Companies working in this type of industry achieve a faster internationalization process by relying on the expertise and knowledge of network partners (Hollensen, 2006).

The Network model is very useful to create innovativeness, by matching different organizations with complementary skills, by outsourcing the manufacture to overseas-based firms, technical services, and even marketing and distribution. The entire supply chain can benefit from the network model of internationalization, creating competitive advantage for the firm. Even in this particular case, SMEs have to face the big challenge of dealing with bigger organization with greater managerial and coordination skills, plus the resources to invest, although the strengths of this approach to SMEs lies on the importance of the personal factors.

According to Hollensen, an entrepreneurial orientation towards seeking

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