
Zoos : The Lack Of Freedom Captivity

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700 million people across the world visit zoos annually and over 10,000 zoos exist worldwide (The World Zoo Conservation Strategy). Wildlife parks and aquariums generate $5,136,250,000 each year in the United States alone (Encyclopedia Entry: Zoos). Millions of animals are held captive and live very different lives from their ancestors. The history of zoos shows that thousands of years ago, monarchs held animal’s captive to show power and wealth (Encyclopedic Entry: Zoos). Today, it can be argued that animals are used for entertainment value with some wildlife education, and that zoos protect and save animals from the wild. However, I will prove why zoos today are used for entertainment and how animals suffer both physically and mentally from the lack of freedom captivity imposes. One perspective on zoos is that they are of benefit to both humans and animals. Zoo advocates argue that animals have a higher quality of life in captivity due to the fact that they do not have to deal with the stress of predators and that they do not have to hunt for food. Advocates of zoos also argue that zoos are able to protect animals from poachers, climate change, and habitat destruction, which they would otherwise face in the wild. Poachers in particular are having a devastating impact on the populations of prominent African animals such as elephants and rhinos (Estrada). It was recorded in 2014 that 1,215 rhinos were poached in South Africa, which is one rhino killed every eight hours

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