Title: Factors affecting Bimodal respiration in the catfish Corydoras aeneus
Abstract: The catfish, Corydoras aeneus is an organism that respires bimodally , that it is being capable of drawing oxygen from both water and air. It carries out aerial respiration through it’s adapted posterior intestine.This experiment was done in order to determine the disadvantages of aerial respiration by manipulation of oxygen content and depth. The effect of dissolved oxygen, when the fish was placed into a cylinder of water and the oxygen concentration was determined while the number of breaths in a 10 minutes period was counted and recorded. Within the 10 minute period, three 15 seconds reps were used to observe the number of opercula beats. The
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There are various factors that show that aerial respiration is more favorable as it is energetically less costly than aquatic respiration where to acquire the same amount of oxygen the organism expends at least 10-20% more energy, such factors are that air has a higher oxygen content, faster rate of diffusion and is less dense than that of dissolved oxygen. However, only in cases of low levels of dissolved oxygen content does Corydoras aeneus use aerial respiration. Therefore, showing that there may be reasons to why it does not constantly carry out aerial respiration, even though it possess physiological adaptations to reduce disadvantages, thin respiratory surfaces and streamlined bodies.
Materials: one liter cylinder, oxygenated aquarium water, nitrogen gas, oxygen gas, oxygen meter, (1)Corydoras aeneus.
Method: To test the effect of dissolved oxygen, 500ml of oxygenated aquarium water was filled in a 1 litre cylinder where the oxygen concentration was taken. A Corydoras aeneus, catfish was then placed in the cylinder and the number of breaths was observed and recorded at a given time period of 10 minutes. Where, within the 10 minute count 15 seconds x 3 times was used to observe the number of opercula beats this was recorded. Nitrogen gas was then bubbled into the water in the cylinder to lower the oxygen content to approximately 4mg/L. The number of breaths and opercula beats per hour were
This lab was about how a goldfish’s breathing rate changes in different temperatures in order to maintain homeostasis.
The purpose of this experiment was to measure the metabolic rate of pill bugs and crickets. I indirectly measured the metabolic rate of each organism by calculating their respiration rates. In crickets, gas exchange is accomplished via a tracheal system [Contreras, Bradley, 2010]. Pill bugs have pleopods, gill-like respiratory organs [Gibbs, Smigel, 2008]. My hypothesis was that the crickets will have a faster respiration rate than the pill bugs. I used a respirometer to measure the oxygen consumption of pill bugs and crickets. After plotting the data, I used the slope to obtain the respiration rate. The respiration rate per gram of organism for the pill bugs was 0.0025 mL/min./g. The respiration rate per gram of organism
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Secondly, the human body, crayfish, earthworm, and frog also have many similarities and differenced of how their respiratory system works. The crayfish respiratory system is the least complex. Crayfish have gills, which are used to release carbon dioxide and to pick up oxygen, by having a constant flow of blood. Frogs consist of nostrils and larynx, which opens up two lungs. The walls of the lungs are filled with capillaries. Capillaries are
The increase of oxygen does not necessarily mean the fish will keep up with it. Too much oxygen can be harmful to the fish so you would need a certain amount per area of fish. A constant flow of oxygen going throughout the water habitat.
Temperature had a direct effect on oxygen consumption of crayfish, Orconectes propinquus. Crayfish acclimated to warm temperature (20 to 25 C) had a mean mass of 8.25g +/- 1.05. Crayfish acclimated to cold temperature (3 to 5 C) had a mean mass of 10.61g +/- 0.77. Oxygen consumption rates of 30-60 minute treatments were used and there was no significant difference between the two different treatments (t=0.48, df=58, P=0.70). The data from 0-30 minutes were not used because the crayfish were disrupted by transportation and the data were not normally distributed. The Q10 value was 1.05, representing that there was full compensation for oxygen consumption for the crayfish at two different acclimated temperatures. The oxygen consumption of crayfish was not affected significantly by two different temperatures (Figure 1).
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At the conclusion of the experiment, the two hypotheses were reviewed. Because the water temperature did affect the normal respiration patterns of the goldfish, the null hypothesis was disregarded and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. From the results of this experiment, it was concluded that although other environmental factors could play
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The Purpose of this experiment was to determine the importance of cellular respiration in the processes of Life. The objective of this experiment was to determine the rate of cellular respiration and how the presence of carbohydrates and pollutants will affect it. Our hypothesis was that an organism has larger rate of Cellular Respiration with the source of Carbohydrates as compared to the one that is without the Carbohydrates source and vice versa in
An investigation into the effects of varying seawater concentrations on two marine invertebrates’ osmoregulatory abilities; Carcinus maenas and Arenicola marina.
The CTDEP collected bottom- dwelling fish and invertebrates and compared the quantity of organisms and number of species with the levels of oxygen in the water. Both of these studies confirmed that severe effects occurred whenever levels of oxygen fell below 2.0 mg/l. Large reductions in the numbers and types of aquatic life present were noted. The lab experiments recorded reductions in both growth and increase in death.
This concept is taken from Block 4, Module 6 which is entitled as ‘Assessment of respiratory system’. The respiratory system comprises of different organs used in respiration. Respiration involves inhalation and exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide between living organisms and the environment. The organs of respiration include; the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, 2 bronchi, bronchioles, 2 lungs and muscles of breathing (the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm).
Marine fish sustain an ionic equilibrium with seawater to keep their plasma around 350 mOsm/kg. The gills remove excess salts from the body (Evans et al., 2005), a process that indirectly causes water loss driven by the dehydrating effect of salinity. Therefore, water replacement by drinking becomes of absolute importance to sustain ion regulation (Fuentes and Eddy, 1997a). In addition to regulation by endocrine and environmental factors of the amount of water ingested (Fuentes et al., 1996; Fuentes and Eddy, 1997a; Fuentes and Eddy, 1997b; Guerreiro et al., 2004; Guerreiro et al., 2001), the processing of imbibed fluid has major impact in fish ion regulation. Ingested water is first processed in the esophagus where it undergoes selective
Limitation of human contact due to technology has had a negative effect because it makes crimes easier to be committed and technology can mislead people. Not long ago, the "Craigslist Killer" was a criminal who committed homicides by having people buy his merchandise online; eventually, once the buyer showed up, he would kill them. The use of technology to communicate has made it easier to commit crimes like these because you are able to hide until the very moment you meet, and as seen, that moment could end up dangerous, even fatal. Obviously, this does not happen too much anymore due to safety features and "Internet safety rules" that we learned in elementary school, but other crimes are still being done today such as selling an item not