
charhf Character in Huckleberry Finn Essay examples

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The Importance of Character in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the world’s most acclaimed books. Twain accomplishes this with his extraordinary power of humor, his use of dialect, and by creating complex and unique characters. Developing his characters is one of the greatest assets he has in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. A character that exemplifies this most is Huck Finn, first appearing as rouge, but later transforming into a character with high moral values.

Early on in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, we see Huck as a rogue figure. He jokes about killing people, and he insists that it must be fun. The idea of a gang seems good to …show more content…

What did Huck care if it hurt Jim’s feelings? To Huck and the rest of the world, Jim was just a "nigger." But now, Huck has surpassed society’s values and knows that Jim has feelings, too. After telling Jim the truth about the fog prank, Huck sees Jim’s feelings and sees how he hurt them. Huck says that he went and "humbled [himself] to a nigger; but [he] done it, and [he] warn’t ever sorry for it either afterward, neither" (Twain, 84). He saw that Jim really did have feelings.

Duke and Dauphin also have a big impact on Huck’s morality. When Huck and Jim first let them on board, they agree "for everybody to be satisfied, and feel right and kind towards the others" (Twain, 121). This shows that Huck has changed from a boy wanting murder, rape, and pillage, to a boy that knows better and sees how important peace on a little raft can be. Once Huck finds out that Duke and Dauphin are "low-down humbugs and frauds" (Twain, 121), he wants nothing more to do with him. Duke and Dauphin serve as opposites to Huck on the moral spectrum. Duke and Dauphin mislead and trick people for fun and other bad reasons, while Huck mainly tricks people out of necessity. Huck shows us his dislike of Duke’s and Dauphin’s values and morals when they rejoin him on the raft. He says that he had "wilted right down onto the planks" (Twain, 198) when they are back on board the raft (Christensen). Once aboard on the raft again, they sell Jim. Huck’s greatest show of

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