
civil aviation

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CONFIDENTIAL EXPERT REPORT Research Study of the Civil Aviation Sector in India SUBMITTED TO: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India, India SUBMITTED BY: Nathan Economic Consulting India Pvt. Ltd., India January 24, 2012 CONFIDENTIAL Table of contents 1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7 3. Market Structure and Competition Issues …show more content…

Regulations that limit the number and range of suppliers; b. Limit the suppliers‘ ability to compete; c. Reduce the incentive of the suppliers to compete; d. Affect investment. This report also compares India‘s current regulatory framework with pre- and postderegulation of the United States of America and Brazil, as models of potential sector growth and future reform. Furthermore, the report also presents regulatory solutions of the European Union, UK, and Australia as alternative models. The report offers policy recommendations that will minimize and, in some cases eliminate, certain prevailing barriers to competition. 1However, a thorough analysis of procurement procedures requires a separate report exclusively dedicated to these specific regulations and their effect on competition of service and equipment. 1 CONFIDENTIAL This report identified a number of rules and regulations which according to our evaluation parameters inhibit competition within India‘s civil aviation sector. In the next few pages, this report will briefly list the regulation, its competitive implications and recommendation. Sections beyond this executive summary will address each issue in more detail. Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR) Section 3, Series C, Part II sets out fleet and capital

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