
coors case

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South Delaware Coors Inc. Case #1

Problem Statement In 1873, Adolph Coors built a small brewery called Coors in Golden, Colorado. Now, as of 2014, this small brewery has become the largest single brewery facility in the world. Over the years, the company has expanded their market and has become the third largest brewer in the United States.
Larry Brownlow, a young entrepreneur, wanted to operate his own business after completing graduate school. He agreed to a distributorship opportunity with Coors. The brewery company was looking at expanding their market potential of a Coors beer distributorship to a two-county area in southern Delaware. Brownlow used his resources to find and contact Manson and Associates, a research company, …show more content…

One of the weaknesses to distributing Coors beer in the two counties is the competition of other domestic and microbrew beers. Although the consumer and retailer willingness to buy Coors beer is high, will they actually purchase Coors beer when it becomes available to them? The questionnaires have strong feedback for Coors beer in the Delaware counties but people may become biased by their customer loyalty to other beer brand. There is a big enough marker share for Coors to be implemented, but will Brownlow be able to succeed in this competitive industry.

Recommendation and Implementation
All of these studies were important information to start this distributorship in southern Delaware, but some studies were more vital to obtain than the others. There were a few options for Brownlow to do. One, he could perform no research on his own and only purchase research from Manson; doing this by, getting a loan from the bank. Two, he could perform some research on his own and purchase the remaining research from Manson. The last option would be to purchase none of the studies from Manson’s research proposal and research everything on his own.
My recommendation would be for

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