
discipline Essay

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The Practice of Discipline

Certain challenges in life can be described as being inevitable. Nearly everyone must face such typical events throughout the course of their life where surpassing a particular challenge is a sign of growth and experience, and, having been dealt with, such a trial is not expected to arise again. Most individuals in our society are familiar with such periods in their lives where they were made to begin walking as infants, coached into learning how to ride a bicycle later on, encouraged to start driving a car during the teenage years, earned a high school and/or college degree, etc. Such challenges and ordeals are expected. They are perceived as being completely natural and …show more content…

But why? Drugs and alcohol were touted as being very fun and exciting. Wasn’t I curious in at least experimenting a bit? After all, alcohol, especially, was very common and accepted in most circles. Although it is illegal for minors to consume or possess it, we all know that the average adult uses it on a seemingly regular, acceptable basis, so why stay away? I watched my own parents consume it and they did not appear to be negatively affected by alcohol use. Why did I not attend local parties and participate in the practice of substance experimentation? You could argue that perhaps I paid attention to the anti-drug messages that were drilled into me throughout school, beginning at the elementary level, or maybe I was just scared to try drugs because I didn’t fully understand what they were or what they did. Personally, though, I believe that I simply developed an early understanding of the consequences that come with the use of drugs and alcohol.
During this same time, I began to hear increasing use of a term to describe certain young individuals who were completely free from drugs. These kids were referred to by the title “Straightedge.” The first mention I had ever heard of this label came from my sister during the time I was a sophomore in high school when she asked me if I knew of this growing crop of young kids who listened to violent,

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