
euthanasia Essay

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Euthanasia: Murder or Mercy?
Suppose I am terminally ill. I have no hope for the future, no hope for survival, no hope for happiness. I wish to die and I am incapable due to my disability to end my own life. I am in indescribable paid and torment all day long and my only wish is to end this misery. Should I have the option of euthanasia existent to me?
Put under such broad and pitiful circumstances, most Americans would say yes to the previous question. Indeed, statistics continually show, dating back to 1978, the two thirds of Americans support euthanasia when asked a question that has been phrased similarly to the one I have given here. This misleading statistic shows only …show more content…

Take into account these are actual terminally ill patients who must seriously consider this option for their own well-being that gave the previous results. These are not the opinions of bystanders who try to pretend they know what the reasons are for patients undergoing euthanasia or PAS.
One other interesting result that came of this survey was the precariousness of the patients’ decisions to undergo euthanasia for themselves. In the initial interview of 988 terminally ill patients, 71 had seriously considered euthanasia for themselves. In a follow-up interview six months later, 35 patients still seriously considered euthanasia for themselves, 36 patients changed their mind and 29 new patients were seriously considering it. This alarming statistic is the most pivotal reason why opponents

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