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What is the Function of Mitochondria?

Answer – The main function of mitochondria is to produce energy for the cell in the form of ATP.


The mitochondria is an important cell organelle that is frequently referred to as the “powerhouse of the cell”. This indicates its main function, i.e. producing energy for the cell’s use. It converts energy in the food consumed, into a form that the cell can utilize – ATP. Mitochondria is the site of oxidative phosphorylation and of the Krebs cycle, both of which are important processes for the synthesis of ATP. 

However, mitochondria also plays a role in a few other aspects of cell function:

  • It releases an enzyme called caspase that is required for apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
  • It is also involved in intercellular communication through hormonal or enzymatic signals, as it can store and release calcium, a substance crucial for these processes.