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Why is Distilled Water Not Suitable for Drinking?

Answer – Drinking distilled water continuously is not suitable for one’s health because it lacks minerals and electrolytes; it’s slightly acidic in nature, bland in taste, and has a high potential for mineral leaching.


Distilled water is technically safe to drink in moderation, but when consumed for long periods, it can lead to the following problems:

  • Lack of minerals and electrolytes: Distilled water results from distillation, which removes essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium from the water. These minerals are crucial for various bodily functions, like bone health, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission. Loss of electrolytes can lead to electrolyte imbalance, leading to frequent urination, fatigue, headaches, and muscle cramps.
  • Water with a neutral pH is ideal for the human body. When distilled water is exposed to air, it turns slightly acidic due to the absorption of carbon dioxide. Therefore, continued drinking of this water can be harmful to the body.
  • Distilled water has a bland, “flat” taste due to the absence of dissolved minerals and gases (including oxygen, nitrogen, and traces of inert gases). This can make it unappealing to drink, leading to dehydration.