Student Loans Essay

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    College Education: Degrees Outweigh Debt

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    The average college student acquires over $29,000 in educational debt. The debt of American college students has been steadily on the rise. Tuition has been increasing while the average American families’ income has been decreasing. Some students qualify for federal grants; however, the majority of money used to pay for college is debt that has been borrowed from private lenders. Students who qualify for federal grants must still depend on private lenders to fund their education. “Seven in ten seniors

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  • Decent Essays

    Essay 1 Student debt is become a huge problem in today’s world. It has been popping up more and more in presidential debates, protests, and the news and media. Currently the amount of student debt is over 1.2 trillion dollars. According to financial experts, the student debt loan bubble will eventually burst, causing more trouble then the housing bubble in 2008. It is evident that student debt loans are a big problem, but then comes the problem of who should pay? Recently, people think they know

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    isn’t enough to pay off your student loans? We have become a society that lives off of debt and our callous attitude about paying off that debt is leaving many in financial ruin. In the Onion article, “Woman Worried Student Loans Could Prevent Her From One Day Owning Entirely Different Kind of Crippling Debt,” describes Ashley’s overwhelming student loan debt. Like Ashley, many college will not be able to afford any other debts. The high monthly payments on student loans in excess of $50,000 will prevent

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    Majors” College students have the hardest time paying off their student loans, but why? Well, most students usually pick their major based on their talents and their interests.(Source, Time) This idea sounds like a smart move, but in fact it is putting students in a very difficult situation. Since most majors end up making considerably less money in their first year out of college, it is becoming more and more difficult for majors in the humanities and arts to pay off their student loans. When I chose

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    monthly payments. The monthly payment is largest focal point of affordability in real estate. One must answer this: “Can I afford the monthly payment on this loan for the duration of the assigned term even when the loan adjusts?” If the answer is yes, then that will reduce the risk of foreclosure. Many people during the crisis tried to squeeze into loans that eventually adjusted above their affordability level. Some tried to refinance finding that since the value of their home decreased, they were stuck

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    reality they are hurting the students and in doing so damaging the work force at the same time. Colleges set the students up for failure in numerous ways. From finically, socially, and not properly preparing them for the real world. Colleges are solely responsible for these problems and it is up to them to fix it. The statistics and facts are their to prove these beliefs and it's about time changes are made to protect and aid the students. Colleges set the students up for finical loses before they

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    to get through college. Even then you’re looking at student loans to cover costs. What is that degree really costing you? We need to have a standard cost for college classes nationally. There is just no reason for tuition to so high that students are focused to jeopardies their future. Student’s today are starting their adult lives with a mountain of debt and no outlook of the life they had hoped for. Did you know

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    time to gain knowledge and discover yourself, but those fine institutions can’t keep the lights on without requiring a hefty fee. Do you realize those price tags will hang over you and your fellow classmates for years to come. Why must graduating students face debt and hardship so young? I’ve seen it first hand growing up in a middle-class family and the

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    2016, an accumulation of almost 1.4 trillion dollars of student loan debt was outstanding in America (Kess). Students from all over the nation, and the world for that matter, are going to higher education without the financial ability to do so. One of the few options for financial aid available to these prospective college students is to take out student loans to pay for the high tuition of most universities and colleges. While these loans are a modality for attending higher education, they often

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    approximately two-thirds of all college students graduated with student loan debt in 2014 (Liscomb,). High college tuitions have affected many students and will continue to hurt more students like me in the following years. As a sophomore thinking about college and tuitions, the costs and requirements put families and students under a great deal of pressure and concerns for the future of these students. High college tuition is a tremendous issue that has caused many students to graduate with thousands of dollars

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