The Kolb Learning Style Inventory—Version 3.1 2005 Technical Specifications Alice Y. Kolb Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc. David A. Kolb Case Western Reserve University May 15, 2005 Abstract The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 (KLSI 3.1), revised in 2005, is the latest revision of the original Learning Style Inventory developed by David A. Kolb. Like its predecessors, KLSI 3.1 is based on experiential learning theory (Kolb 1984) and is designed to help individuals identify the way
on how to put together a project in order to identify the learning styles. The starting point of this scheme was supported by the Kolb learning style inventory (LSI). Finally, they came up with the idea of a questionnaire. They gathered eighty questions together, containing four different learning styles along with characteristics of the person/s that might fit in. The image below represents the theory along with the learning styles produced. (, 2011) Many people will argue that the
doing the Learning Style Inventory, I learned that I learn better when I write things down and when I have a visual of the information I am learning. For my writing style way of learning, I found I should take notes. When the professors give us notes I should write them in my hand writing. I just need to be able to read my notes because I write so fast some times. I always make a list of things that need to be done and always carry a notebook with me to take notes. For my visual style way of learning
My LSI Styles Complex My “primary” personal thinking style as shown in my circumplex is The Humanistic-Encouraging Style. This style means that I am “accepting of myself, and accept others for who they are without question or criticism” (Human 2010). Humanistic-Encouraging individuals believe they can “assist others in fulfilling their potential by providing a supportive climate that inspires self-improvement” (Human 2010). I believe that this very accurate summation of myself. This can easily
Personal Thinking Styles The LSI, Life Styles Inventory, measures twelve specific patterns of thinking that are broken down into three styles described as follows: • CONSTRUCTIVE Styles reflect self-enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one 's level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing tasks. • PASSIVE/DEFENSIVE Styles represent self-protecting thinking and behavior that promote the fulfillment
plethora of work experience; therefore, I could not name all five characteristics corresponding to what she asked. Dr. John Doe created the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) assignment; the purpose of this assessment is for people to receive a better understanding of oneself. As stated form the LSI website, Life Styles Inventory (LSI) measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The system provides a "road map" to properly
| Life Styles Inventory | | | | 11/1/2010 | GM591 Leadership & Organizational Behavior | CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is L. Neal. I was very eager to complete my LSI Survey because I was very curious what my results would be. I know how I am as an individual, and seeing the results of my survey only proves that you learn something about yourself every day. My results were quite interesting to say the least. Learning the meanings of the different life
LSI Assignment After taking the Life Style Inventory (LSI) assessment, I have come to realized of the underlying thought patterns that guide an individual’s behavior. This quality of an individual’s thinking and behavior contributes greatly to that person’s work performance. Part I - Personal Thinking Styles My primary thinking style is Self-actualizing and I can totally see myself through the description of this thinking style. The self-actualizing thinkers are characterized by an unusual
Life Styles Inventory Results Paper Part I: Personal Thinking Styles As revealed by my personal Life Styles Inventory (Figure 1), my primary thinking style and back-up thinking style were Conventional (4 o’clock position) and Affiliative (2 o’clock position) respectively. There are many ways in which both the Conventional thinking style and Affiliative thinking style manifest in my life and work, none of which were all that evident until I explored my personal Life Styles Inventory. As stated
After completing the assessment, the inventory concludes that my learning style is predominantly feeling and concrete experiences. For concrete experience, my score of 43 reveals my passion to learn information that I believe is relevant for myself. Subsequently, scoring 34 for active experimentation indicates my preference for applying and testing ideas to understand a concept. Additionally, scoring 25 for reflective observation reveals how I learn concepts through observing others complete a task