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    desiring to get thin quickly, resulting in healthy young girls developing life-threatening eating disorders. Pro-ana websites wage war on the developing minds of young girls. These dangerous resources support young girls in their quest for weight loss, though it is not in a positive way. Photos and forums located on these websites suggest unhealthy methods in which to achieve thinness. Pro-ana websites provide an easy means to lose weight. Their tips and tricks work, and though they cause great health

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Eating disorders are common in our society and the internet has become a platform for people with similarities to come together. Women and girls who are anorexic use pro-anorexia, or “pro-Ana,” blogs and websites to look for tips and inspiration for their lifestyle. The pro-Ana blogs have tips for women who are looking for ways to lose weight, stay skinny, and trick their doctors, friends, and family. Some suggestions are promoting starvation and the misuse of laxatives. Though the websites are not

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Santa Ana winds obviously mean a great deal to Didion and Thomas which is why they regard it as sort of a powerful force in nature. In The Santa Ana by Joan Didion, the wind is portrayed as a force that deprives people of happiness. This concept is highlighted when she states that “ to live with the Santa Anna is to accept . . . a deeply mechanistic view of human behavior.” In Brush Fire by Linda Thomas, it is portrayed more like a normal power of nature. Her concept is highlighted when she

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    In the essay titled “The Santa Ana Winds”, Joan Didion uses a story teller- like tone and persuasive rhythm to lure her audience into the eerie ambience of the winds. In the use of these techniques, Didion aims to further convey the wind’s disastrous and mysterious effects. Didion writes with a storytelling tone in order to eerie effect of the destructive winds. Didion first sets the mood, by telling the reader about the current conditions of winds and how they are taking effect. He begins by stating

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Wildfires and the Santa Ana winds are harsh realities of life in California. “Brush Fire” and “The Santa Ana” are pieces that touch upon this pertinent topic. Arguing that the toll taken on civilization in California by annual wild fires is the fault of the humans affected is California native Linda Thomas. In contrast, Joan Didion, also a California-born author, portrays wild fires and Santa Ana winds as evil forces that destroy all in their path. Despite these authors’ diverging perspectives, their

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Santa Ana Winds “ The Santa Ana” by Joan Didion and “Brush Fire” by Linda Thomas offer complete separate views to a similar topic, the winds of Southern California. In a first person narration the authors write of the wind from her own experience of living in California and from her own perspective, shedding light on two very different aspects of the Santa Ana winds. Physically, both pieces of literature are different. Each story reflects its own writer as “The Santa Ana” has lengthy paragraphs

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Santa Ana Wind Linda Thomas and Joan Didion are both natives of Southern California and wrote about the Santa Ana, a wind that blows from northeast to Southern California every year. Didion, the author of The Santa Ana, mostly writes about the area where she was born in 1934. Thomas, the author of Brush Fire, was also born in Southern California. She has been writing poems, stories and essays for 25 years. Her writing has appeared in numerous print journals like American Poetry Review. Both

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    There are many phrases in the English language that, when analyzed, don't make sense at all. For example, “the kiss of death” is one of these phrases. Typically we think of a kiss as something nice, a way of affection from a partner, a parent, grandparent, or even friend. So pairing this joyful word with something that so many people dread is admittedly an odd choice. Used as a marking of fate, a kiss of death is a concept that seems very taboo, but really this comparison of light and dark has been

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Introduction The Steptoe Valley Wildlife Management Area (SVWMA) is located immediately south of Ely, along U.S. Highway 93/50 in White Pine County. The property consists of 6,426 acres and includes Comins Lake, which is located about six miles south of Ely near the area headquarters. Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has had a long-term interest in the acquisition of this valuable property, dating back to the 1980s. Ely community leaders, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF), and numerous

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Ana 's Story Of Ana

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    Ana arrives home in Seattle after giving birth to their newborn daughter Phoebe. Tired, Ana lays on the couch while Christian calls and orders Ana food. “Ana, I have a meeting to attend I’ll be back tomorrow morning,” Christian says. Ana knowing Christian is doing all he can with managing business and helping with both Teddy and Phoebe, doesn’t complain. “I understand Christian, call me when you arrive”, Ana says. “Of course I will Ana.” Christian reaching over to give Ana a kiss, and Teddy and

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    Decent Essays