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    The discovery of “Ardi” in the Afar desert of Northeastern Ethiopia provides an excellence source to investigate the lifestyle of Ardipithecus ramidus. During the discovery of colloquially known as “Ardi” another 110 fossils were found belonging to Ardipithecus ramidus a 4.4 million year old species further exploring the lifestyle of this species (White et al., 2009a). The lifestyle features of the Ardipithecus ramidus are its locomotion, environment it likely lived in and it’s diet. The locomotion

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    LePree “Lucy and Ardi: Beginning of Human Origins” Many people often consider our first milestone in life to be our first step. It is the beginning of many important developments as an individual. It was also the beginning of our development as a species. Dr. Donald Johanson and Dr. Tim White discovered two of the most amazing specimens that would be the stepping-stones to the beginning of evolutionary development. Australopithecus Afarensis (Lucy) and Ardipithecus Ramidus (Ardi) were the first

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    Introduction: Ardi, Lucy, and Ötzi show many similarities and differences in their bipedality, teeth, tool usage, and cranial sizes, which have all advanced over time due to evolution. All three species are immensely diverse in the ways they survive and act. From Ardi to modern day humans, these ancestors have slowly adapted more human like traits to manipulate their environments. These changes are shown in each species tool usage, brain size, teeth, and ability to walk on two legs.With respect

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    Ardipithecus In Ethiopia

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    ancestors of mankind are neither "Propliopithecus" nor "dryopithecus", but a complete bones called "Ardi" found in the Avasi River region of Ethiopia, which is the Ardipithecus ramidus, also known as "Ardipithecus". In 2009, "Science" magazine published an article, said the success of Ethiopia found the fragmentary primitive fossils spell a female primitive bone. Scientists say that the ape, named "Ardi", lived about four hundred and forty years ago and had been one million years earlier than the other

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  • Decent Essays

    square miles as shown in figure 1 (Barker and Ardis 1996, 2). The aquifer encompasses 36 counties including major counties such as Crockett, Edwards and Val Verde as shown in figure 2 (Hopkins 1995, 2). The population is relatively sparse, with most of the population located in small cities Anaya 2001, 100). It is divided into four subareas based on the topography of each area, Edwards plateau, Trans-Pecos, Hill Country and Balcones fault zone (Barker and Ardis 1996, 5). Edwards plateau has two types

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    however we are still different species (1). The question that still needs to be answered is who is the common ancestor of Human and Chimps. Recently human ancestry has become clear through the discovery of Ardipithecus ramidus, commonly referred to as Ardi. A group of scientists

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  • Decent Essays

    Of course all leaders also have areas for improvement, or developmental areas. After all of the positive aspects of Mr. Koterba’s leadership already mentioned above, it seems strange to suggest that the same man so involved and personal invested in his job would have the biggest developmental need of being more hands on as a coach. Maybe saying Mr. Koterba was hands off is not the right term, perhaps using a term from the book, laissez-faire, would be more appropriate. As I mentioned Mr. Koterba

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  • Decent Essays

    They found that Au. ramidus had very similar characteristics to Sahelanthropus Tchadensis an ancestor that dates to 6-7 million years ago. Ardi had a foot that was primitive and had an opposable big toe which was most likely used to grab on branches. She also had a long and curvy spine just like humans. Its pelvis was large like those of apes and had short and broad shoulders suggesting it

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  • Decent Essays

    This discovery was Ardipithecus ramidus, whose nickname is “Ardi”. Ardi seemed to fill the “gap” between apes and humans. Ardi had a mix of primitive traits and others that hominids share. Her pelvis supported bipedal locomotion, but feet had a divergent hallux, which relates to climbing trees and holding onto branches (Smiley, Unit 7). Ardi engaged in both bipedalism and arboreal activity, therefore, living in the forests. Ardi’s brain was still

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    Miocene to the Early Pliocene (Gibbons, 2009). The 1994 discovery of A. ramidus, commonly referred to as Ardi, included “125 pieces of her skeleton” such as “pelvis, hands, arms, leg, and feet” (Gibbons, 2009, p. 1598). Furthermore, it was determined that Ardi was a female “based on probability assessments of canine size” (White et al., 2009, p. 80). The same paper also argues paper that Ardi lived in the “Afar Rift region of northeastern Ethiopia” six

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