Christian Education Response The Bible tells us that God has given spiritual gifts to the members of His church as it is written in Eph 4:12 (KJV) “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” and Christian education is necessary so that the disciple can learn the doctrines of God and rightly apply them to their lives. Having experienced God’s Word actively working in their lives from their obedience, they can rightly convey the teaching
has a special sensitivity and it is constantly being challenged by the majority of the society. Even many Christians find the Trinity a difficult concept to grasp. Theologians agree that we are incapable of fully or perfectly expressing what God is like in his essence or nature. But what is it specifically that makes the doctrine of the Trinity unacceptable to many people and how should Christians respond to their objections? This paper will show that the answer lies, not in speculating about the triune
religion. At its height, the Islamic empire spanned all of the Middle East, North Africa, and Even Spain. The questions that Christians of the day had was how to first deal with this new religion and its growing empire. Two responses are brought forth in its response to Islam and its defense of Christian theology. One response to the rising issue of Islam was to call it a Christian heresy. This idea of demonizing or mocking a heresy was a common practice in Christianity since it prevented the laity from
Christians and Muslims response to the Black Death was the same. I support this idea because what the Christians and Muslims believe that caused the plague was similar to each other. Although the two religions were different they both went to the churches for help. Christians was infected in the year of 1348, killing 51,160,000 to 75,000,000 of Europe's population. Christianity origins from Jesus Christ, so in this case when Christians was infected with the disease, Christians turned to the churches
Christian and Muslim responses during the Black Death were different, but with a few similarities. Both Christians and Muslims proposed different reasons for the cause of the plague and also had different prevention methods for the plague. Even though there were many differences, there are also a few similarities, such as how both of them had similar beliefs at the time. Even with the few similarities,the responses between the two religions shows that Christian and Muslims responses are more different
trying to answer these questions for centuries. This essay will examine their responses, and briefly look at the practical application of the Christian response to suffering. The Christian view of evil and suffering is probably what most are familiar with. Christians believe that some suffering is because of evil, caused by sin and disobedience from God, and is entirely intentional, called ‘Moral suffering’. So how do Christians justify or explain suffering? While there are many theories, the most widely
With an act of God this awesome (or awful), there are bound to major responses from religions all across the known world, in particular Christians and Muslims. The responses of Christians were vastly different from that of Muslims, though (in some minor cases) they had similarities. Throughout the times of the Black Death, Christians everywhere were terrified. The Pope, the Monks in monasteries, and common folk alike. Christians prayed to God to heal, forgive, and to save them. This is not how Muslims
fascinating events of Muslim-Christian encounters. The Crusades constitute a series of almost two-century-long military campaigns (1095-1291) conducted by the Christians of Western Europe against the Muslims in the land of Palestine and the eastern Mediterranean coastal strip. The Christian aim was to wrest the Holy Land, Jerusalem, from the Muslims. Annoyed, angered, frightened, and disgusted by the presence of uninvited aliens in the midst of their cultures, the Muslim response to the Crusades was initially
Christian and Muslim responses to the Black Death were different but had some similarities like what caused the plague and how to prevent to plague. I am going to be talking about the differences between the two. There are three reason why they are different cause and explanations, responses by the living, and general context of the plague.The next paragraph will be talking about the context of the plague. In this paragraph I will be discussing the general context of the Black Death. The plague is
If I were to give someone a Biblical response to growing up in a single parent household, it would depend if they followed Christ. The first response I would give them is that they are loved, and they have people around them that love them and want to be there for them with whatever they may be facing. When they accepted Christ as their savior, they became part of a community of believers whose purpose is to assist each other through the difficulties of life. I would also tell them that even in the