Chukchi Sea

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    rosmarus laptevi, make up about 10% combined (Jay, 2008). The estimated population of Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus is 10,000 – 19,000 (Jefferson, 2008). Walruses inhabit the relatively shallow waters along the coast in the North Atlantic, the Bering Sea and the Artic Ocean near North America and Eurasia (Figure 4) (Reeves, 2002). No walruses are not found in North Carolina. Figure 4. The areas shaded in blue represent the global range of the Atlantic Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus (WWF, 2017). Habitat

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    An Arctic Idol From mutants to aliens, superhumans and demigods, the idea of a hero has been an immense subject throughout our culture. Still, the superficial idea that heroes have some other quality that ranks them beyond human is reflected the most in movies and comics. What is the first thing that popped into your head when you heard the word hero—Superman? Ironman? Batman? The term shouldn’t be restricted to Marvel’s DC Universe characters. How we use the word hero should extend to everyday

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    An Arctic Idol From mutants to aliens, superhumans and demigods, the idea of a hero has been an immense subject throughout our culture. The superficial idea that heroes have some other quality that ranks them beyond human is reflected the most in movies and comics. What is the first thing that popped into your head when you heard the word hero—Superman? Ironman? Batman? The term shouldn’t be restricted to Marvel’s DC Universe characters. How we use the word hero should extend to everyday people

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    Throwing Our Planet in the Garbage It is something that we all have heard about. The horrific challenges we face with plastic overwhelming our oceans have created an awful picture in all of our minds at one time or another, but have you ever thought about whether or not all of our oceans are being affected? What about how much garbage is accumulating in our precious oceans and the effects that accumulation is having on us. These are questions I have always been particularly intrigued in finding

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    pollution, focusing on plastic, in the marine environment. The best place to be is next to the sea where tired feet gladly greet, sand so soft and white. The taste of salty air, a cool breeze blowing through untied hair, Warmth all around, from the sun beaming down, against a backdrop of majestic blue. Hear the birds sing, the waves crashing, And know one thing is true. The ocean is drowning in a sea of plastic, Before long marine life will be in a casket. The beauty of the beach will be no more

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    from home can be hard, but imagine what it would be like if it was to a harsh sea or under a giant tree. In the two poems we will be dissecting, you will see how these two different situations have a lot in common. In one of the oldest poems known in the world, The Seafarer was written long by an unknown author. Throughout the poem we see how the man takes his exile emotionally and physically, all the while he sails the sea and world. He goes to other countries and shows how on his missions he sees

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    There are many careers out there in this world. The career that is the most interesting is Oceanology. This is based on the ocean. Oceanology is when you study artifacts and marine life. People will have to learn courses in the physical science,not so much of chemistry and physics though. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research. There are so many things some people would do as an Oceanologist. People will Compile, administer,

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    hurt them and had the power to determine whether they lived or died at sea. The action of blaming a superior being for a catastrophe can be symbolism of naturalism. Another example can be when the four sailors were asking fate or God why they would die after going so far and not giving up, "If I am going to be drowned--if I am going to be drowned--if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?" (Crane

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    I have based my research in the Great Barrier Reef. The great barrier reef is situated in the Coral Sea, on Australia’s north-eastern coast. It stretches 2,300km along Queensland’s coastline, beginning at the top of Cape York Peninsula in the north and traveling all the way down to Bundaberg in the south. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef

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    research Journal Australian Marine Life Script: Introduction Throughout Australian’s seas lurks a silent killer. In Australia, rubbish is getting worse with plastic pollution, it is not only heavily used beaches that get affected with so much rubbish floating in the water but everywhere else in the world. The predator is plastic and it’s floating in our ocean and it is coming from the coast. This constant barrier (the equivalent of 136 billion milk jugs each year, estimates a study published

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