Drag performers take on the look and mannerisms of their opposite gender as a way to entertain and inform their audiences of social issues that can be addressed with humor. Fortunately for the drag community, there has been a recent increase in the popularity of drag queens since the TV show, “RuPaul’s Drag Race” won an Emmy in 2015. However, the female equivalent, drag kings, are given little media attention, thus casting them into obscurity. I argue that the lack of positive media coverage of drag
Drag queens and kings, are the individuals who represent a very prominent part of marginalized queer culture. They wage war against the formulated category of male and female, which has been fossilized within our society. Using weapons like clothes and makeup, they transform themselves in order to confound, amaze, and deliver a unique and revealing kind of performance. Although, drag queens have fiercely and fabulously strutted themselves into the limelight, their counterpart, the drag king, has
When studying the history and art of drag, it is crucial to recognize the multiplicity and diversity of this art form. While most academia and studies of drag pertain to drag queens, a less popular subset of drag artists are the drag kings. In J. Jack Halberstam’s essay “Drag Kings: Masculinity and Performance,” the unexplored history of these artists as well as their differences from their (typically) male counterparts are explored. Although both drag kings and queens usually work to imitate the
watching a drag show. Surprising right? Does anyone here know what a drag queen is? A drag queen is defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary as usually a homosexual male dressing up as a woman and performing for entertainment. While that may be the case drag is so much more than just a man in makeup and a dress. The art of drag is inclusive, builds an open and safe community, and gives a platform to speak up and give back. Now this is where I destroy the idea that only queer men do drag. Drag is extremely
Take-Home Exam #1 Keely Hooper Performance & The Body Please answer ONE of the following questions. Be sure to refer to specific works of art and cite aspects that defend/support your statements. Since this is a take-home exam, I expect your essays to reflect the timeframe provided in their organization and structure. Make sure your paper is proofread for grammar and spelling. C. What legacies and/or contradictions do you see between the use of blood and flesh by the Viennese Actionists and Lady
This paper examines the physics involved in driving a golf ball off the tee. The objective of a drive is to achieve the greatest distance while leaving the golf ball in the middle of the fairway. Several factors will be considered in achieving the longest, and most accurate drive. The factors include calculating the velocity of the golf ball after the club and ball collide, the mass of the club head, launch angle, the shape of the club face, and finding the optimal golf ball. Intuition
My topic for the science fair is “ Which falling objects fall the fastest? “. Many factors affect the speed of aerodynamics such as the different forces on the object. The aerodynamics of the object and the physics surrounding the object. Great scientists have studied falling objects such as Galileo Galilei and Sir Isaac Newton. I will discuss their lives, experiments and scientific findings. Aerodynamics is the study of force on an object. It has been called the science of flight. Aerodynamics
First, aerodynamics is the study of the motion of the air. Aerodynamics consists of 4 variables, which is thrust, gravity, lift, and drag. (Tennekes,H, 2009) Aerodynamics has to do with almost everything dealing with air of course.(Tennekes,H ,2009) For example, it can be air crafts, it can be wings, it can be birds, it can be a race car. Birds need aerodynamics so they can glide in the air so they can also gain enough speed to catch prey. Like a hawk swooping down 70 miles an hour to get a mouse
2010).” The angle of entry of the hand is important in improving drag force and propulsion. This is because the hand controls entry into the water and flow of water over the hand. Drag propulsion can be used effectively to improve my paddling technique, by making my strokes longer and larger, similar to the “S” stroke. Instead of them being short and wide, causing little propulsion
How does the weight of a paper airplane affect how fair it flies? My paper is about researching about paper airplane weight. My research question is, How does the weight of a paper airplane affect how far it flies? For this project I need 3 different sheets of paper,(Construction paper,Computer paper,Line paper, a notepad, a meter stick and a pencil. I chose this topic because paper airplanes always interested me in how they move and fly. I am also interested in the aerodynamics of