Ideal tragic hero

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    What is a hero? In traditional play write the hero is someone with pure qualities sent by either an unforeseen force, destiny, or a quest to save someone or a country. The word “hero” can be a loose term today, but the result is the same. The hero completes his mission, brings happiness to all, and continues living. In some tales, the hero does not make it, but still becomes a beacon of hope or falls valiantly causing an up roar by society to take matters into their own hands. The result? Happiness

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    Helen Rocha 9/11/17 Per.7 SAHC:HR 1. According to Aristotle's Poetics, the ideal tragic hero was a man in whose character good and bad were mixed, but with the good predominating. This definition is usually paraphrased as "a basically noble man with a tragic flaw." Oedipus is certainly that! He's a concerned, caring king whose people love and trust him, but he has a quick, impulsive temper and fails to think in some critical situations. As a result, he commits some terrible crimes, destroys

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    The character Macbeth is an ideal model for a Shakespearean tragic hero. He was known as victorious and powerful, yet within, he was ambitious and cowardice. Macbeth’s ambition ends up slowly tearing him down and destroying him by the end of the play. “Take a good man, a noble man, a man admired by all who know him – and destroy him, not only physically and emotionally, as the greeks destroyed their heroes, but also morally and intellectually.” (Booth, 17). Between the witches’ prophecies, Lady Macbeth’s

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    Creon as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Antigone Tragedy always involves human suffering, but not everyone who suffers is a Tragic Hero. According to Aristotle, there are five basic criteria that must be met for a character to be considered a Tragic Hero. Aristotle’s ideas about tragedy were recorded in his book of literacy theory titled Poetics. In it he has a great deal to say about the structure, purpose and intended effect of tragedy. His ideas have been adopted, disputed, expanded, and discussed

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    Oedipus as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Oedipus the King In the introduction to Sophocles' Oedipus the King, Sophocles defines a tragic hero as one who "[behaves] admirably as a man, [but who] is nevertheless tripped up by forces beyond his control and understanding..." (Sophocles 76).  In Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the tragic hero. The force that "trips up" the hero is fate, or, moira. It is Oedipus's actions that set the events into motion,  but it is ultimately his fate, and his attempted

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    Oedipus Rex as the Ideal Tragic Hero If we give ourselves up to a full sympathy with the hero, there is no question that the Oedipus Rex fulfills the function of a tragedy, and arouses fear and pity in the highest degree. But the modern reader, coming to the classic drama not entirely for the purpose of enjoyment, will not always surrender himself to the emotional effect. He is apt to worry about Greek fatalism and the justice of the downfall of Oedipus, and, finding no satisfactory solution

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  • Decent Essays

    Cassius as Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar   William Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar around 1599. The role of the `tragic hero' is extremely important as many of the characters in Julius Caesar exemplify the `tragic hero' qualities. Marcus Brutus, and Julius Caesar, display all the qualities of the `tragic hero': they are great men, with character flaws, and as a result of a mistake in decision-making many people suffer. In Cassius one can see these same qualities. Cassius can be seen as

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    Gatsby and the Tragic Hero       Aristotle invented a list of criteria in an attempt to determine the exact definition of a tragic hero.  The list states the following - the tragic hero must cause his own down fall; the tragic hero's fate is undeserved; the tragic hero's punishment exceeds his crime; the tragic hero must be a great and noble person according to the standards of the current society.  In Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby can be defined as a tragic hero who possesses all

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  • Decent Essays

    Oedipus As A Tragic Hero

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    the King, Oedipus struggles to accept the truth and lets his temper over power him. He can be displayed as a tragic hero. His refusal to accept the truth led to Oedipus’ down fall. A tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle, “is a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction.” Sophocles’ Oedipus exemplifies Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. In the play, Oedipus unknowingly has cursed the entire town of Thebes. He was cursed to kill his father and

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Macbeth Tragic Hero

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    A tragic hero to what extent is macbeth a tragic hero. Well a tragic hero is a character that has a flaw. This flaw sets off a series of events that lead to the tragic hero's downfall or utter ruin. In this play it shows the difference between a hero and a tragic hero. A hero does great deeds and/or has great powers. A 'tragic hero' has the same greatness, but there's an unhappy outcome in store. 'Tragic' refers to that unfortunate, unhappy consequence that tends to be loss of one's own life or of

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