Langues d'oïl

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    Finesse is a word that is now popular due to its use in pop culture and the media. I used it because of its great diversity in meaning throughout the years. The word was first used in the 1500’s to define things or actions as “delicate, artifice” (Finesse (n.).”) It later changed meanings in the 1700’s to mean “Of very high quality“(“Finesse.”) I hoped to learn exactly how it got to the meaning it has today and how it became so popular. The word finesse has been through many changes based on the

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    1. L`ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE L`Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (0IF) est une organisation dont les membres parlent la langue française et partagent certaines valeurs comme la diversité culturelle, la paix, la gouvernance démocratique, la consolidation de l`État de droit et la protection de l`environnement. Les objectifs de l`OIF sont: • Instauration et développement de la démocratie • Prévention, gérance et arrêté des conflits, et soutien à l`État de droit et

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Spread of French The Fifth French Republic, more commonly known as France, is one of the oldest countries on earth, centre of one of the largest empires in history and cultural heart of Europe. The key to any country's success is their language and ability to communicate. Arguably, the most iconic language, French has been crucial to the success of the French Empire and former French colonies today. In this essay I will be drawing conclusions on the following areas: -The history of and use

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Gaulish Language

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    Known as the language of love, many people view the French language as an intriguing language. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the complex history of the French language. If examining the geographic area in which French has come to be then it is easy to see there are a great many factors that have influenced its formation over time. Many of these include the cultural influences of whichever group held political control over the land or the changing social attitudes of those people. The earliest

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  • Better Essays

    In Music in the Western World: A History in Document’s article “Music in Courtly Life,” Pierro Weiss and Richard Taruskin discuss music in the feudal system of France through the study of the famous troubadour Raimbaut de Vaqueiras. To Weiss and Taruskin, Raimbaut de Vaqueiras was the poster child for a troubadour’s life; a young dedicated knight falling in love with his brother-in-arms’ sister, who then later gained high status in the system. His chansonniers, according to expert John Haines, played

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    Better Essays
  • Better Essays

    Introduction: France, one of the oldest countries in Europe, has been the home to many languages since the dawn of its creation. As one of the most influential European nations, France has successfully spread its culture and language throughout the world. While to most it seems France is a simple, homogenous country filled with nothing more than French custom, its history tells another story. Centuries prior to the French Revolution, France was a land mass occupied by many people of different

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    Better Essays