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    Kylie Bentz Our method for determining the center of mass of each state is split up into five steps. The first two, file conversion and sorting, gave a huge amount of raw data, and then condensed it into a workable form. The third step converted latitude and longitude coordinates into kilometers. The fourth step took the trapezoids formed by the previous steps and calculated their moments with respect to the x and y axis’s. Finally, the conversions were reversed to give the center of mass. All of

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    and spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held fell as a tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which increases more density. It goes back to the earth’s surface at about 30 latitudes and spreads north and south. The air draws moisture from the lands over which it flows and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is plotted on the left vertical axis and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and precipitation

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    What is geography, and why do we study it? Geography is the study of the physical features of the Earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. We study Geography to understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life. Also, to understand the geography of past times and how geography has played important roles in the evolution of people, their ideas, places and environment

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  • Better Essays

    Conductivity Essay

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    material necessary to utilize these tools is contained in each section. Terrestrial Coordinates Work through the explanatory material on units of longitude and latitude, finding longitude and latitude, and a bit of history (optional). Open the flat map explorer. Familiarize yourself with the cursor and how it prints out the longitude and latitude of the active map location. Note that you can vary the central meridian of the map (i.e. change its

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  • Decent Essays

    Where Do Deserts Form?

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    map with its established deserts, then we notice that all the big deserts are arranged (with little deviance) along two belts around the globe (Figure1). These two belts are in the areas of around 20-30 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator – the so-called Horse Latitudes. In the northern hemisphere we have the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts in North America, the Sahara in North Africa, the Arabian Desert on the Arabian Peninsula, the Turkestan, Dasht-E-Lut, Thar, Taklan Makan, and the Gobi

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Comparison and Contrast Essay Hot and Cold Weather Comparisons Albert Weyant COMM/215 - Essentials of College Writing September 15, 2012 Dr. Nancy Reynolds Hot and Cold Weather Hot and cold climates will be discussed and the different comparisons between them. I will state my opinions and objectives pertaining to the two climates. The differences

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    2.10 study guide Essay

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    Tools used to measure latitude (Lesson 02.01) (use the first resource in this lesson to help you) Be able to list and describe the 3 main tools used to measure latitude in early navigation Sextant- allowed users to determine their latitude to within a sea mile or two The gnomon or sun-shadow disk- operated like a sundial, enabling the user to determine his latitude by the length of the sun's shadow cast on a disk floating level in water. The Arabian kamal- a rectangular plate that one moved

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    longitudinal (vertical) and latitudinal (horizontal) lines and make analogies with the X/Y Coordinate Plane (Graphic Organizer). You may choose to show one of these two videos to help students understand latitude and longitude: (~7min) (~3 min) a. Latitude, Longitude b. Address of locations on the earth c. X-Axis: The Equator – units are in 150 increments d. Y – Axis: Prime Meridian – units are in 150 increments e. Upper Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate

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  • Good Essays

    Author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond, explains why Eurasians were the peoples to conquer and or exploit present day, less developed countries. The prologue of the book introduces the first exchange between local New Guinean politician, Yali, and Jared Diamond that took place twenty-five years before publishing Guns, Germs, and Steel. Yali then expresses a puzzling question regarding different peoples’ progression and chronological events leading up to the exploitation and colonization

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    Good Essays
  • Better Essays

    Notes On ' Blue Terms '

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    DEFINITONS: BLUE TERMS Albedo The amount of solar radiation that is reflected by a surface or object. If something has a high Albedo it reflects more of the Sun’s radiation, whereas a low reflection then reflects less. Snow and ice, both have a high albedo as they both reflect high proportions other Sun’s radiation. A couple examples of a substance having a low albedo would be vegetation (grass or trees) and oceans. Though the albedo of soils and earth does vary as factor such as cloud cover, snow

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    Better Essays