Naval history of China

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    world to start a fresh life in a new society. In the book “A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America” by Ronald Takaki, he talks about how Asians, Africans, and Europeans viewed America as the land of opportunity. He talks about how these people tried to achieve the American dream because their homeland is at war or regression. As quoted in his book, “Many sought sanctuary from intense conflicts in China caused by the British Opium Wars. Significantly, while British colonialism was pushing

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    In his work Noctes Ambrosianae, Professor Wilson states, “His Majesty’s dominions, on which the sun never sets” (Wilson). The extent of influence exerted by the British spanned the globe, only a few empires over the course of history could exert their power in a similar manner as the British did in the Mid-19th Century. Unrivaled since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, the United States has maintained a firm grip upon its’ status as the world’s only superpower and is the closest comparison

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    Around the year 2015 China has started building artificial islands on disputed territory in the South China Sea for the purpose of resource mining, installment of surveillance and defensive infrastructures. Countries in the South China Sea that lay economic and territorial claims such as the Philippines, Malaysia, and Japan have expressed security concerns regarding China’s aggressive expansion unto territories such as the Spratyl Islands and Rubi Reef as China had increased security and surveillance

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    China: culture, economic, political, military perspective Class 13D 003-17 SGT Moreno, Adam Introduction China is a nation in East Asia whose vast landscape covers grassland, desert, mountains, lakes, rivers and more than 14,000km (8699.1967mi) of coastline. China borders 14 different countries; Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam, North Korea, Russia, Bhutan, Burma, Nepal, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and India (Kallie Szczepanski). The capital Beijing mixes modern

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    Especially North Korea who depends on China for almost everything that it cannot make for itself. “Heavy sanctions cannot work when China starts sabotaging the sanctions quietly to keep form it harming its economy”(Lankov. 2016.). The president of the United States Donald Trump has vowed to take care of the North Korean Threat with or without the help of China. President Trump in a speech on April 24th, 2017 has stated that the North is a real threat

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    was also very limited and led them to think that “…if Japanese naval forces took out the American Pacific carriers at Pearl Harbor, there was simply no way for America, at least in the immediate future, to contradict any of their Pacific agendas” (Davis, Source 1: "Real Reason Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor"). The Japanese thought that if anything the United States would enter into a negotiation or respond weakly to the attack as its naval base was

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    Imperialism is a policy of government that gives the power to expand country’s area or gaining dependent territories using any of the methods either through war or through politics. Factors such as industrialization, rapid economic growth, over production of agriculture on the decade of the 1890s helped America on the way of developed country that led leaders of America to follow an imperial policy. At the civil war period, development of industries had slowed down. After the end of the civil war

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    An interesting topic which we have yet to discuss in class is the relative development of China's technology, naval, and agricultural industries, at the time, in comparison with the west, and how it affected China’s position in the world throughout the 19th and early 20th century. Why didn’t China’s technological achievements propel it to become a global power in the later half of the millennia (before 1950). One interesting example is the comparison between Christopher Columbus's expedition vessel

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    and naval technology were few of the technological elements that reinforced the established features of social order. New agricultural techniques helped in the expand of their agricultural potential, the dynasties gained reputation from porcelain technology which moderately diffused to other societies producing porcelain in large quantities, metallurgical techniques as well diffused to lands beyond China, printing produced texts quickly and popular works appeared in huge quantities, and naval technology

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    This foreign policy study will argue in favor of Samuel Huntington’s theory of the “clash of civilizations” through cultural divisions in the context of the increasing global conflict between China and The United States. In essence, the “clash of civilizations” between China and the United States will be primarily based on the problem of cultural hegemony in the 21st century struggle for global dominance between these two modern nation states. Huntington’s theory provides ample evidence of the growing

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