Reflective practice – A tool for learning Introduction/Rationale When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens during a lesson or activity, we ask ourselves questions such as, could I have done something to avoid it? These experiences usually make us grow and we learn from experience, and we will be better prepared to face the situation if it happened again. This introspection is generally called “reflection”, and all professionals have adopted it in order to improve their practice
learning cycle (Beard, Colin; Wilson, John P.. Experiential Learning p.32) One of the things that first brought my attention to this book was that I was looking for some inspiration on reflective practices in engineering which is my field and it’s for this reason that I discovered this section. Gibbs Reflective Cycle Professor Graham Gibbs has came illustrated his six stage cycle of reflection. In order for learning to take place Gibbs believes that the cycle below must be completed.
assignment is to discuss the contribution of reflective practice for clinical nursing. Reflection has been defined as a way for individuals to “capture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate” (Boud et al 1985: 19) Argyris and Schon (1974) suggest that practitioners often practice at less than effective levels because they follow routine. Johns (1995) implies that action can be taken through reflection to increase effectiveness in practice as reflection provides opportunities for
Promote professional development CU2942 1. Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice Within my role, it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice so I am aware of how to give the best diverse and equal care to children, stay fully up to date with all standards and legislations. Regarding parents, they are the customer and this entails all care towards their child may need to be explained to them. E.g. what is the Early Years Foundation Stage
Reflective Practice Introduction: Reflection its self is looking into personal thoughts and actions. For nurses this would mean looking at how they performed a particular task taking into consideration their interaction with their colleagues and other members of staff, patients and in some cases relatives This then enables the nurse to assess their actions and thought processes. There are various frameworks of reflection that one could choose and the examples used for this work
placement. Reflective practice has become very popular over the last few decades throughout a variety of professions. In some professions it has become one of the defining features of competence. The wide spread utilization of reflective practice is due to the fact that it ‘rings true’ (Loughran, 2000). Within different disciplines, what is understood by reflective practice varies considerably (Fook et al, 2006). Despite this, some agreement has been achieved. In general, reflective practice is understood
1. Introduction Reflective practice is a key part of working as a health care professional, including speech and language therapists (SLT), and will be used throughout a practitioner’s career as part of their continuing professional development. It is the practice of experiencing situations and then reflecting on them, which is how clinicians may enhance their knowledge and skills and, thus, maintain their competence throughout their career as a practicing therapist (RCSLT, 2003). It is through this
(Gibbs G, 1988) The introduction of the Gibbs reflective cycle helped the nurses to have a systematic thinking about the different activity phases (Huston, 2014). These logical elements of the procedure are describing the problem, feelings identification, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and an action plan. Every stage is essential in carrying out the reflective processes for nurses. Nurses come across many situations that affect their emotions, ethical dilemmas, conflicts from the patient’s family
therefore, there is a need for a way of measuring standards of practice which can be achieved through active thinking in a clinical environment brought about by critical reflection (Rolfe, Jasper & Freshwater 2011). Reflection has become such a key component in the role of a nurse that the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have seen it fit to include it in their professional code of conduct the Code: Professional Standards of Practice and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives, hereafter referred to as
essay I will explain and describe my personal reasoning’s for choosing nursing as a career; the skills, qualities and inspirations that I have obtained throughout my life which have influenced me. Also describing the importance and benefits of reflective practice for nurses, discussing how I will use it in my career as a nurse. Nursing, for me specifically is the perfect career which suits what I would enjoy and last in as a lifetime occupation. Influences through family and friends have given me a