In Eric Walters’ Shattered, a young boy named Ian Blackburn does his volunteer work at the soup kitchen and becomes friends with a homeless man. Throughout the novel, Ian develops from a selfish young man to a caring individual. Ian changes from being disrespectful to curious then ended up being kind hearted as the story evolves. Firstly, at the start of the book Ian was disrespectful. Ian was disrespectful because once Ian learned that The Club is a soup kitchen for the homeless. He does
In the novel “Shattered by Eric Walter”, shows the idea of people being labeled worthless compare to other people. Discrimination can lead to a human right violation. The story of Berta showed the behaviour of those who treat people like they are nothing. Also the victim of Rwanda showed the differential treatment based on their culture background. As well with the homeless people, they are treated unfairly compares to someone who works for living. During a conversation between Berta and Ian,
got a smoke to spare?’” (Walters 3) In Shattered, Eric Walters hauls the reader through the life of Ian, the protagonist who experiences the joy of helping others. Throughout the white pine award novel, Ian is continually helping people around him realize that their life isn’t perfect and they ought to alter it somewhat. Furthermore, the author carefully compares the significance of family and how importance they are to everyone’s life. Right through the book, Eric Walters demonstrates the theme of
people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spent with you but, how they impacted your life at that time.” – Unknown. If it wasn’t for three remarkably wise people Ian, character of the novel, Shattered by Eric Walters, wouldn’t have changed into a better person. In order to pass Social Studies, fifteen- year- old, spoiled, self-centered Ian Blackburn must complete community volunteer hours. Encouraged by getting a BMW car from his father for his upcoming
the emancipation proclamation. In Shattered by Eric Walters, there are many examples how the modern world has prejudice. In the book, there is this boy named Ian and he goes around learning about different forms of prejudices. One of the prejudices that Ian learned that people are prejudiced against homelessness. Shattered, there is a prejudices theme all trough out the book. The prejudices theme has to do with worthless, hatred, and murder.
”, this is a quote by Neale Donald Walsch which perfectly describes the protagonist of the story; he is privileged and sheltered-, but only when he is forced out of his comfort zone, did he really grow and mature. Shattered is a brilliant work of realistic fiction written by Eric Walters that inspires young adults to take a step outside of their comfort zone and open their minds to learn more about the world. It is a story that chronicles the experiences of teenage Ian Blackburn as he finds himself
how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by ‘I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, i was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.’”- Mother Theresa. In the novel “Shattered” by Eric Walters this quote is portrayed in many ways from how kindness, affection, comfort, and relief were represented from the characters throughout the story. Ian is an example as to how kindness takes place because he is volunteering at the soup kitchen
and are not people who are just there. With the busy lives that people lead these days, people often feel neglected by their loved ones. This can lead people down negative paths when they feel they have no one there for them. In the novel, Shattered, by Eric Walters, it is proven that no matter how badly a relationship may begin, it can blossom into a great bond between two
There are kids all over the world, and most of them slowly matures. Throughout the novella “Shattered” written by Eric Walters, the Protagonist Ian changes from a childish boy who only cares about himself into a mature and wise young man in a very short period of time. Throughout Ian’s journey of growing up, a few thing helped him on the way. In the beginning, Ian the main character has a terrible point of view of the world but by the end, he has changed his way of life. There are a few things that
survived a plane crash and were stranded on a tropical island during a time of war. The boys were all from ages six to twelve, the younger boys were called “littluns” and some of the older boys are referred as Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon, Roger, Sam, Eric, and Bill. A development of struggle between the two central characters Jack, head of dictatorial system and Ralph, a head of democratic system over the position of power. Continuously, the evil within each boy started to appear through their actions