Roy the Hero. Enemies left: 475 Allies left: 13 If I could roll my eyes further to the back of my head I could. *BRATATATAT* *Dingdingding* Oh that is going to get annoying. Wobbling down the shot up wooden stairs, nursing my favourite tankard, right into the crosshairs of a dozen swat looking soldiers, I cast a simple air slash before they can riddle me with enough holes to become swiss bloody cheese. *Dingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingding* Honestly the bullets might be less
democracy is the art of thinking and discussing independently together." In The Fine Art of Propaganda were also presented by IPA the seven devices of propaganda, stated by W. Severin and J Tankard to be name calling, glittering generality, transfer, testimonial, plain folks, card stacking and bandwagon (Severin, W., & Tankard, J., 2001, p.111). It is obvious from the quotation above from The Fine Art of Propaganda that the purpose of the Institute for Propaganda Analysis in presenting the seven devices
framing comes from its ability to define the terms of a debate without the audience realizing it is taking place.” (Tankard, 2001, p. 96) Using frames has the risk of finding only the frames I am unconsciously looking for. I might tend to find conventional or stereotypical ways of looking at the content. I try to avoid that by always reflect on my work and try to find different ways to look at it. Three kinds of framing exist. First, a frame can be used to select and exclude parts. Second, frames
Application of theories AWARE’s usage of social media is making use of the both the central and peripheral route of cognitive processing under the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) (Severin & Tankard, 2014). Firstly, by posting relevant news articles on Facebook and Twitter, readers process the articles using the central route because only readers who are motivated (those with interest in the issue of gender equality) would actually read the full article and process the information. Those who lack
security risks will lead to more efficient and safer to use IoT devices but companies will have to identify them in their devices first (Tankard, 2015). Figure
accession number is Cat. 679. The lute player and his lute are placed at the center of the canvas. At the bottom, there is a table covered with a red carpet that is decorated with some oriental patterns. On his table, there are books, pipe, knife, and tankard distrusted from the middle to the right side. Overall, Theodor chooses a close-up angle of a sitting lute player with detailed presentations in this painting. The background consists of different shades of brown, while the brightest shades surround
The men left Perceval’s chamber and in the fading evening light, they strolled down the steep castle path toward the Cup and Sword. “I hope you brought plenty of coins,” said Gawain, “because I am ravenous.” Perceval smirked. “Somehow, you’re always ravenous when I pay. And come to think if it, I pay a lot.” “I’m a good investment. You need, me man.” Perceval caught Gawain in a headlock just outside the tavern door. “Too hard, too hard,” choked out Gawain before Perceval released the man’s head
This essay introduces the reader to some of the different tribes, and cultures that resided in early Africa. Three of the tribes that are explored in this paper are the Bantu, the Twa, and the Khoisan. Two different cultures are also discussed in this paper. Them being the Nok, and the Kushite’s. The first tribe that is discussed is the Bantu tribe. The Bantu tribe originated around Nigeria. Because they were nomadic people the eventually migrated to Uganda. The Bantu people were polytheistic. The
This essay will demonstrate how both American and New Zealand media outlets shape and filter all their stories and decide what people see and think about, and how to think about certain stories; also known as ‘Agenda Setting’. New Zealand and America interpret news completely differently, what is important in America may have zero relevance to New Zealand media and vis versa. Agenda-setting is more obvious in the New York times, they report on specific events to endorse and highlight events or
not want to accidentally declare that Ulrich had begged to die. But the combination of Pawl’s tincture and mead made all too easy to relax. An inebriated Gawain said, “Perceval, do you remember when I made that bet with Ulrich?” Gawain moved his tankard around in a wild circle and mead splashed onto his lap. “The one where I bet him ten gold pieces he couldn’t hit that fleeing hair with his arrow. That thing was what, five hundred paces away? But damn, he struck the little fucker, and I was out ten