“The Three Cabritos” is the retelling of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” with a Tex-Mex background unlike the contrary which have more of an American culture background. The author clearly states at the end of her book, "The Three Cabritos is my own original retelling of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" with a Texas twist" (Kimmel 29). The background and the writing of the tale but told in different cultures. In “The Three Cabritos” and “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”, the main characters’ appearances are
same but in different versions. “The Three Cabritos” is the retelling of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” with more of a Tex-Mex background while the other will have more of an American background. The author clearly states at the end of her book “The Three Cabritos is my own original retelling of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” with a Texas twist” (Kimmel 29). The background and the writing of the two individual books “The Three Cabritos” and “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” are told in different cultures,
guided my choice for selecting The Three Billy Goats Gruff as the text to use in this learning segment. The text is kindergarten age appropriate with illustrations that support the text in the book to assist with students that are visual learners and the students with EIP’s that rely on the illustrations to determine key details. The text is structured in a way that supports students being able to identify the beginning, middle, and end as it has three Billy goats trying to cross a bridge in a specific
‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and ‘Sorry, Wrong Number’. These plays both have similarities and differences in the plot, character, and setting, making them both exclusively enjoyable with entertaining traits and aspects. In ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, there are various characters with different personalities. One such character is the troll. The troll is a self-righteous, aggressive character, and claims things that belong to the public for his own. In contrast, the third billy goat gruff is
As a future teacher one hope to offer a classroom with enticing challenges for student on all types of learning styles. Have being interested in folk literature since a child, especially stories about princes on horses, and bad people getting what they deserve in the end. I considered how to approach this topic in the classroom. What are the ways of introducing folk literature in to the classroom? As a teacher, one needs to be aware of the standards and banned books within the district. Bette
Module 3 – Fairy Tales and Multicultural Literature 21. Southey, Robert. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. London, England: Longman, Rees, 1837. Print. This cute story is a family of bears who live in the forest. Each bear has their own bowl, chair and bed. While walking outside as their porridge cools, a young girl, Goldilocks, comes upon the cottage and walks in and makes herself comfortable. As the bears return, they find that someone ate their porridge, sat in their chairs and found Goldilocks
Classroom Observation Summary During my interview with Ms. Jenkins, a preschool teacher in a Head Start classroom explained that her students were between the age of 4 and 5. Soon after I asked Ms. Jenkins which of the developmental theories does her classroom practices reflect? Her response was “According to Jean Piaget’s theory on early childhood briefly states that not all children of the same age will have acquired the same level of development. The appropriate practice I implement to first assess
Drowning by Numbers is a film made in 1988 by Peter Greenaway. The film is set in a little town in Suffolk, England and is centred around three film males, mother, daughter and Niece or another daughter, there is a lot of different opinions on what she is to the Mother in the film. Tired of her husband’s adultery ways, Cissie Colpitts (Mother) pushes his head under the water, killing her husband before asking in the help of the local coroner who is drawn into this plot and is still covering them
Sisters by Charles de Lint Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Age - 8 to 13 Years There is a good reason why pre teens prefer fantasy because, at times, it is easy to relate to fantasy than the real life. Born as a middle child with three sisters on either side, Sarah Jane enjoys nothing more than the remoteness of her aunt's farm. When she meets a fairy and unintentionally comes in between a war among the fairies, her loved ones are endangered. As wild as they seem, the sisters come
This play is about three billy goats who travel past a bridge. Under that bridge lives two monsters who want to eat the goats. The point of the play is to get the five participants in character. For example participant A who played the part of one of the monsters had to shout and yell to act as a monster, participant B who played the part of one of the goats had to shout and yell to defend her self from the monster. I realized this type