
1.1 Explain The Importance Of Legislation Relevant To The Study

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Teaching assistant’s have an important role in school setting to promote equal opportunity and diversity because they can influence a child’s outlook and opinion on different religions, cultures or backgrounds. Therefore we must be appropriate in out language and pose no prejudice towards any particular group in society that is not our own as to exclude children or their families from the activities of the setting.
We must send the message that everybody is equal whatever their race or religion and today we live in a world where peoples backgrounds and experiences are diverse and this is a valuable asset to the children to learn and except this. Furthermore as a teaching assistant we must encourage children to learn and listen to other children’s …show more content…

The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 outlaws discrimination on the grounds of gender. Race Relations Act 1976 outlaws discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin. It is the teaching assistan’s role to enforce these laws and behave appropriately in regards to equality and diversity and to also encourage pupils to embrace these values too.
Promote equal opportunities and diversity
A written equal opportunities policy can help to ensure that all aspects of the school setting give equality of opportunity to all children and their families, regardless of gender, racial origin, ethnic, cultural religious, linguistic or family background. In order to provide an inclusive school setting that enjoys diversity and does not discriminate against children and their families, the school should ensure the following practices are in place:
• Prejudice about a particular group in society is not used to exclude children or their families from the activities of the setting
• Parental activities are accessible to all parents
• All children’s activities are accessible to all

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